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CYO Fanfic RPG: SignUp & OOC Discussion
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Oh, come on. Grow a freaking spine, will you? Nobody expects perfection, especially not at the start. You have a damn good idea and the rest of the players I'm sure are more than willing to offer any advice you want - and some you probably don't. You have everything you need to make your guy compelling and interesting. Take a chance. You may just start to enjoy yourself.
And Athena's power hungry? No way, man. No way. Ask anyone, they'll tell you I'm the power hungry one here.

And Athena's power hungry? No way, man. No way. Ask anyone, they'll tell you I'm the power hungry one here.

I'll second Codename's statement. He is the power-hungry one.
Here's my stance on th sex issue: Freelancer is a gory, violent, hate-filled game. The universe does not allow you to exist without killing someone every day or so (at least). The creators even stuck in graphic screams of the dying.
So frankly to hell with the taboos on sex.
Here's my stance on th sex issue: Freelancer is a gory, violent, hate-filled game. The universe does not allow you to exist without killing someone every day or so (at least). The creators even stuck in graphic screams of the dying.
So frankly to hell with the taboos on sex.
I am now adding info on my character.
Alex grew up in liberty. His father was a well known historian who liked to tell his families of things he learned from Earth. This is the reason for is callsign, as Alex thought himself to be somewhat like the ancient 007, daring, inteligent, and popular with the ladies.
The reason he kills Outcasts is the fact that his family was journying to Sigma-19 on a vacation to the Hawaii, when there transport was ambushed. It was destroyed killing all on board. Alex did not die, as he was flying escort duties for his father in a Hawk, but his ship was overwelmed by the 3 Outcasts stilletos. The Outcasts looted what they could, leaving him for dead. He lived only because a Spa and Cruise patrol happened by, and spotted the wreckage. They took him to Hawaii, were he began to work as a Pilot for them. He was 21 then.
A few years passed. Alex had now built up something of a reputaion as a daring and skilled pilot. The outcasts had a 200,000 credit bounty on him, as he killed them whenever he had the chance. However, the Bounty Hunters left him alone, as he also saved one off there more well known figures.
Now 26, he bid his employers farewell, and took his fully loaded falcon, and left to persure his own destiny.
He began to travel the border worlds, killing Outcasts as he went. The bounty they had on him increased to 500,000 credits. Still, the Bounty Hunters would not kill him, as he often worked for them, taking out whoever he was assigned.
One day after a especially hard mission in Tau-37, 8 outcast Sabres ambushed him. By now, he had a Eagle, fully equiped with a looted class 10 sheild, and Wyrm type 2s from outcasts he had killed. He also had EMP missles and 1 lancer missel launcher.
A visious fight ensued. He managed to kill 5 of them. But by then he had run out of sheild batteries, was low on Nanobots, and was almost out of ammunition for his missels and for his mines. Suddenly, he stopped dead. The Outcasts, assuming he a was injured, began to swoop in for the kill.
Fireing all remaining missels and mines, he suddenly shot straight up, and watched as they pilled into his trap. All but one was totally destroyed, the last was in very bad shape. The outcast began to fire away, but blew up as his reactor overloaded.
He limped his ship back to base, were he repaired his ship, and himself, as he was injured. Then begain his quest agian.
Then the nomads came. Orillion contacted him, as he had a well known reputation, and he bagain to fly for them.
You all know what happedend then.
After the nomad incursion, he bagain to work for the GMG in Sigma-13, doing gas runs for the conglomerate. There, he found the Diamonbacks, his now mainstay weapon. He was still on call up with Orilllion, but thus far, has not been recalled.
I realize this is very long, and reads more as a story, but I decided it was necisary to fully explain my character.
Alex grew up in liberty. His father was a well known historian who liked to tell his families of things he learned from Earth. This is the reason for is callsign, as Alex thought himself to be somewhat like the ancient 007, daring, inteligent, and popular with the ladies.
The reason he kills Outcasts is the fact that his family was journying to Sigma-19 on a vacation to the Hawaii, when there transport was ambushed. It was destroyed killing all on board. Alex did not die, as he was flying escort duties for his father in a Hawk, but his ship was overwelmed by the 3 Outcasts stilletos. The Outcasts looted what they could, leaving him for dead. He lived only because a Spa and Cruise patrol happened by, and spotted the wreckage. They took him to Hawaii, were he began to work as a Pilot for them. He was 21 then.
A few years passed. Alex had now built up something of a reputaion as a daring and skilled pilot. The outcasts had a 200,000 credit bounty on him, as he killed them whenever he had the chance. However, the Bounty Hunters left him alone, as he also saved one off there more well known figures.
Now 26, he bid his employers farewell, and took his fully loaded falcon, and left to persure his own destiny.
He began to travel the border worlds, killing Outcasts as he went. The bounty they had on him increased to 500,000 credits. Still, the Bounty Hunters would not kill him, as he often worked for them, taking out whoever he was assigned.
One day after a especially hard mission in Tau-37, 8 outcast Sabres ambushed him. By now, he had a Eagle, fully equiped with a looted class 10 sheild, and Wyrm type 2s from outcasts he had killed. He also had EMP missles and 1 lancer missel launcher.
A visious fight ensued. He managed to kill 5 of them. But by then he had run out of sheild batteries, was low on Nanobots, and was almost out of ammunition for his missels and for his mines. Suddenly, he stopped dead. The Outcasts, assuming he a was injured, began to swoop in for the kill.
Fireing all remaining missels and mines, he suddenly shot straight up, and watched as they pilled into his trap. All but one was totally destroyed, the last was in very bad shape. The outcast began to fire away, but blew up as his reactor overloaded.
He limped his ship back to base, were he repaired his ship, and himself, as he was injured. Then begain his quest agian.
Then the nomads came. Orillion contacted him, as he had a well known reputation, and he bagain to fly for them.
You all know what happedend then.
After the nomad incursion, he bagain to work for the GMG in Sigma-13, doing gas runs for the conglomerate. There, he found the Diamonbacks, his now mainstay weapon. He was still on call up with Orilllion, but thus far, has not been recalled.
I realize this is very long, and reads more as a story, but I decided it was necisary to fully explain my character.
The comments I made above were endearing references to those forum members who I consider my friends (and the list wasn't exhaustive).
People who have been posting, cajoling, laughing, writing together for many months.
I don't think I'm power hungry though you could say I enjoy the attention. Perhaps I'm a secret megalomaniac at heart but on these boards I'll continue to write until there's no more interest!
Anyway, have a nice day.
I edited it to become less personal
All are still welcome to post on this thread and long may that continue !!
Edited by - athena on 7/13/2005 1:13:30 AM
People who have been posting, cajoling, laughing, writing together for many months.

I don't think I'm power hungry though you could say I enjoy the attention. Perhaps I'm a secret megalomaniac at heart but on these boards I'll continue to write until there's no more interest!
Anyway, have a nice day.
I edited it to become less personal

All are still welcome to post on this thread and long may that continue !!
Edited by - athena on 7/13/2005 1:13:30 AM
I'm not insane. I'm just a madman. wheee...
In any case, Damien not being in existence anymore, here's new character:
Name: Nikolai van Haalein
Age: 34
Description: Slightly over six feet in height, Nikolai was, until his imprisonment, a strong built, muscular man. He possesses light brown hair which he wears fairly short and good looks--though now, due to his capture, he is relatively emaciated.
Affiliations: none.
Bio: A man of Germanic-Slavic descent. He has some affiliations with the Bundschuh but more of his time is spent clubbing than revolting. Nikolai drinks like a fish, abuses drugs with a passion, is confounded in a sea of hopeless addictions (most prominent among them sex), and for a long period of his life had an inability to carry on long-term relationships with anyone. Until he met Damien, of course, with whom he had a five year long relationship. Nikolai is an aesthete, but not a romantic, and before he met Damien his practice of promiscuity was honed to perfection. While he has moved out of backrooms, he is virtually inseparable from the clubs and bars he incessantly frequents. Though an amazingly good hand-to-hand and close range fighter, his weakness lies in his poor ship piloting and gunnery.
Edited by - Wilde on 7/13/2005 8:46:05 PM
In any case, Damien not being in existence anymore, here's new character:
Name: Nikolai van Haalein
Age: 34
Description: Slightly over six feet in height, Nikolai was, until his imprisonment, a strong built, muscular man. He possesses light brown hair which he wears fairly short and good looks--though now, due to his capture, he is relatively emaciated.
Affiliations: none.
Bio: A man of Germanic-Slavic descent. He has some affiliations with the Bundschuh but more of his time is spent clubbing than revolting. Nikolai drinks like a fish, abuses drugs with a passion, is confounded in a sea of hopeless addictions (most prominent among them sex), and for a long period of his life had an inability to carry on long-term relationships with anyone. Until he met Damien, of course, with whom he had a five year long relationship. Nikolai is an aesthete, but not a romantic, and before he met Damien his practice of promiscuity was honed to perfection. While he has moved out of backrooms, he is virtually inseparable from the clubs and bars he incessantly frequents. Though an amazingly good hand-to-hand and close range fighter, his weakness lies in his poor ship piloting and gunnery.
Edited by - Wilde on 7/13/2005 8:46:05 PM
Reborn baby:
Here is my new char
Name: Nick Warren
Age: 39
Physical Apperance: Thin beard, short dark brown hair. Hazel eyes. 5.10 in Height.
roughly 175 pounds, mostly muscle.
Wears: Bretonian millatary officer uniform when on duty, when off duty Solid black camo pants short boots
a grey t-shirt and black jacket.
Affilations: Officers in the Bretonian fleet, serves aboard a cruiser.
Bio: Joined the Bretonian fleet at age 21. Since served on basic civil duties until he was 29.
then he joined as assault groups to sweep and destroy pirate threats to bretonia. Then at 37 he transferred to
serving aboard capital ships.
Personality: Despite being able to be a commander and work on board a ship of hundreds he prefere's to be alone. He doesnt
Seem to be happy, more of a solem person.
Yup he's different, i thrive on change
Here is my new char
Name: Nick Warren
Age: 39
Physical Apperance: Thin beard, short dark brown hair. Hazel eyes. 5.10 in Height.
roughly 175 pounds, mostly muscle.
Wears: Bretonian millatary officer uniform when on duty, when off duty Solid black camo pants short boots
a grey t-shirt and black jacket.
Affilations: Officers in the Bretonian fleet, serves aboard a cruiser.
Bio: Joined the Bretonian fleet at age 21. Since served on basic civil duties until he was 29.
then he joined as assault groups to sweep and destroy pirate threats to bretonia. Then at 37 he transferred to
serving aboard capital ships.
Personality: Despite being able to be a commander and work on board a ship of hundreds he prefere's to be alone. He doesnt
Seem to be happy, more of a solem person.
Yup he's different, i thrive on change
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