The Fan Fiction Trivia Challenge

This is a game where I, the host, ask trivia questions on the various fan fiction works right here at TLR. Each question will have a point value, based on its difficulty, and if you are the first one to post the correct answer to the question, then you get the points. Points will be tallied, and at the end of the round, if you have the most points, the you win! Your prize will be the chance to brag to everyone here on TLR that you know the most about fan fiction!

RPGs may be added at a later point in the game.
Point Board:
Current 1st Place-
Roc (6)
Current 2nd Place- TIE
Wilde (5)
Athena (5)
Current 3rd Place-
[GR_Fallen_Angel (4)
Bret Bretonian (1)
The Creator (1)
Edited by - ww2jacob on 2/1/2005 6:48:46 PM