Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:09 am by Richardson
Actually, in response to your half-hearted objections, I'm currently working on toning down the envelope drive, to something rather well done. It already had a limited range from last game, and now it's down to a New York to bering distance jump, should all conditions be met, otherwise, it'd be a texas to New York jump. And, to prevent damage to space, they'd have to come out near a jumphole or gate. An emergancy option to be used as a last resort would allow them to come out in other places, but would damage the drive (As in, they'd have to go back for repairs or else kaboom on next use.) And the re-routers are no longer in use, so, your two major objections to my tech from last game just got smashed. I just don't have to worry about needing a jumpgate to move my ships anymore. Oh, and it usually takes a turn to recharge between uses. There, all your problems solved.