Chapter 2: A New Threat (apparently the prolog was chapter one

Trent loves his new cloaked ship. So he decided to go off to Omicron Gamma to chill with the Corsairs. Trent lands on Crete, sips on some Sidewinder Fang. He feels at home with his newfound friends. So he goes and starts talking to this Corsair chick.
TRENT: Hi, my name is Trent.
CHICK: Hi, my name is Gabriella.
TRENT: Well, Gabriella, I have lost my number. Can I have yours?
CHICK: OMFG, get away from me you Liberty Pansy.
TRENT: WTF? Whats your problem?
CHICK: Well, I just got back from a patrol. We were attacked over by a new jumphole we discovered.
TRENT: Nomads?
CHICK: No, but what I saw made my blood chill.
TRENT: What?
CHICK: While I was dogfighting, I saw letters on the side of the ship.
TRENT: What did they say?
Trent thought to himself, Coalition? Was this some sort of prank? Some sick headed Outcast or something? He laughed to himself. Coalition forces, here in Sirius. Ha. They are all stuck on that rock, Earth. However, curiosity got the best of him. He payed the Corsair chick like 10.000 credits or something, and headed off to the coordinates she gave him.
Trent flew for what seemed like hours. Then, he heard his Neural Net beep telling him he was getting close to the jumphole. Rubbing his tired eyes, he took the ship out of cruise. What he saw will remain burned in his mind forever.
A large fleet of ships, complete with a couple battleships and the works, were all rallying together. Trent started to jump back into cruise, afraid of them seeing him, but remembered he had the cloak. So he slowly slid closer to the odd looking ships. His neural net showed them as UNKNOWN. The ships looked nothing like anything in Sirius. As he edged closer, he began to see markings on the side of the ships. Letters. Letters that spelled out a word he knew couldn't be true. COALITION.
However, this was nothing compared to what he saw next. Behind the COALITION battleship,he thought he saw a few ships, bluish in color. Glass like. He gasped. NOMADS!
In his panic, he accidentally pushes the UNCLOAK button on his console. His ship decloaks. Trent, just watches in awe as the ships begin to converge on his ship. Oh no! In a last second decision, he punches the thrusters. The Nomad and Coalition ships begin to fire upon Trents ship.
TRENT: Faster, baby, faster!
The ships shields were nearly down. So he heads to the unknown jumphole, and enters the unknown.
Edited by - Wolf_Demon on 12/21/2004 8:05:21 PM