The great thing about those orders is that they're entirely illegal. Nearly all of it. Firstly, you can't self-destruct planets. And when you lose bases, you can't destroy them anymore. You need to--NEED to--be in control of a base to self-destruct it. Now Pueblo belongs to the Rogues and Detroit to Liberty, and Pittsburg can't be destructed at any time whatsoever. And I'm attacking it with my northern fleet

Of course, you can forfeit the base...not like you've got any dignity left to for us to slowly torture and truncate.
To IC:
No matter what lies the second in command of Agiera is serving you, now that CEO richardson is dead, you should not believe them and instead hold by your neutrality. This is the company that kept you suppressed while it glorified in its own profits and its control over the Corporate Alliance. Now you, a much more humane company, have control over the Alliance. Agiera's executives, for their insolence, idiocy, and arrogance, are being punished by watching the quick and bloody seizing of their assets. Do not seek to aid those recieving their rightful punishments.
Edit: CEO richardson is dead...dead dead deady deady deadness. lalala...lala lalalalalalala...Celebrations to be held at Goethe. All factions are invited

Hessian Newsflash!!!
CEO richardson dead!
The remains of richardson, CEO of Ageira, were pulled from the wreckage of his fighter in the Shikoku system. 4 wings of Rogue Chimaeras bore down on his helpless wing as it travelled along the tradelane of Kusari, blasting the inferior fighters to pieces with deadly accuracy. An autopsy has been conducted on Richardson and has found that it is indeed the corpse of the Agiera CEO. The autopsy also confirmed that, as the head of Samur industries pointed out, Richardson indeed...had nothing to castrate. A tribute of 100 credits to be payed to the Rogues who accomplished this joyous, if bloodthirsty, act.
Sorry rich. It's my nature

Edited by - Wilde on 1/4/2005 7:05:52 PM