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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Pt. 2, Rebirth- Thread 2
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Umm I'd prefer the 5 fighter additional stat limit on LF's. Plus I think were moving into the old battle system and discounting these damn random research things. Why don't we just transfer to other things. I'll let you have Hudson, Bering, and Texas but I'd ask that you withdraw from the territories of Omicron Alpha and Beta, I'm pulling out of Liberty itself. Gaians can have New New York, Arizona, Cortez, and Manchester as part of there new state as well as official ownership of Magellan and California on stewardship to Hispania as military bases. Also your fighter fleet is way exceeding your fighter shipyard capacity wilde. You aren't Sisko in disguise are you.
Attention to the Gaians: As you will be the only remaining viable member of the truimvirate which had hegemony over Western Siruis we will give you a large piece of Siruis, New New York, Arizona, Cortez, and Manchester will be totally yours with official ownership fo Magellan and California provided you grant stewardship of those systems to Hispania for military and economic bases.
Attention to the Gaians: As you will be the only remaining viable member of the truimvirate which had hegemony over Western Siruis we will give you a large piece of Siruis, New New York, Arizona, Cortez, and Manchester will be totally yours with official ownership fo Magellan and California provided you grant stewardship of those systems to Hispania for military and economic bases.
uuhh Guys I never terminated Liberty I simply handed over the military forces to Jacob. He has had control over Liberty in my absence.
"Requested items: One Mark V ECM unit, 1000 km of fullerene cable,
one low yield nuclear warhead. Stated purpose: birthday party for foreign dignitary."
--Argosy Special Operations Service requisition form,
CY 9512
"Humans say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Why? Do they think there's a shortage of bad ones?"
--Karm'Luk P'an Ku,
The Joy of Lucidity
CY 8633
"Requested items: One Mark V ECM unit, 1000 km of fullerene cable,
one low yield nuclear warhead. Stated purpose: birthday party for foreign dignitary."
--Argosy Special Operations Service requisition form,
CY 9512
"Humans say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Why? Do they think there's a shortage of bad ones?"
--Karm'Luk P'an Ku,
The Joy of Lucidity
CY 8633
I'm not Sisko in disguise! you can check the IP address, we're not the same person. That's crazy talk.
If I withdraw from Omicron Alpha (which I will do only once I've killed off all the Bretonian troops there), you must give me New York as compensation. Bering, Texas, and New York. The Gaians can take Hudson.
If I withdraw from Omicron Alpha (which I will do only once I've killed off all the Bretonian troops there), you must give me New York as compensation. Bering, Texas, and New York. The Gaians can take Hudson.
To Wilde: The whole idea of me starting to post again was that we were going to have one final battle. No system conquest just finding out whose fleet is superior. If you are going to start trying to divide things up liberty and bretonia will come srceaming back and we will never get in a decent fight without their interference 

Ok, fine. (just a sec, Triyun, I'll help you overtake liberty in about a day). I send my entire fleet minus 5 LFs/system to Sigma 13 to battle Kusari. You're on, VD! 

Now we see which approach is better--hundreds of uber Lfs or multitudes of gigantic capital ships. This is going to be good...

Edit: Whoa, Triyun's right. Ok, that's about minus 200 LFs for me. Damn.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/15/2004 3:36:11 PM

Now we see which approach is better--hundreds of uber Lfs or multitudes of gigantic capital ships. This is going to be good...

Edit: Whoa, Triyun's right. Ok, that's about minus 200 LFs for me. Damn.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/15/2004 3:36:11 PM
120 LF Fighters
1 Battleship
1 Destroyer
Roc: You have control over Manchester, Cortez, Arizona, and New New York.
Columns of Heavy Cruisers, Destroyers, and Battleships today from the Fleets of Hispania were seen overhead of the Planet Manhattan. The warships bore designs from all nationalities but Liberties. After the announcement of the new provisional West Siruis Government setup under the former gaian leaders, there was widespread relief that the Hispanians did not utterly destroy the planet. With still a few fleets remaining, Liberty and Bretonia are still a threat, however their early miscalculations were never recovered from. The confederation of smaller fringe elements which now rule much of Hispanias territory swearing allegiance to Triyun Kun have begun the process of there own arms build ups as Hispania leaves the Liberty territories. Meetings between Zoner and Blood Dragon officials of the formation of a Coalition to rule the Tau's and Bretonia have recently drawn worry. Many officials in the administration privately acknowledge civil war could quickly be renewed with smaller powers previously dormant now wanting to get there revenge on the weakened houses. The President has vowed to prevent this but it is unclear whether he can.
120 LF Fighters
1 Battleship
1 Destroyer
Roc: You have control over Manchester, Cortez, Arizona, and New New York.
Columns of Heavy Cruisers, Destroyers, and Battleships today from the Fleets of Hispania were seen overhead of the Planet Manhattan. The warships bore designs from all nationalities but Liberties. After the announcement of the new provisional West Siruis Government setup under the former gaian leaders, there was widespread relief that the Hispanians did not utterly destroy the planet. With still a few fleets remaining, Liberty and Bretonia are still a threat, however their early miscalculations were never recovered from. The confederation of smaller fringe elements which now rule much of Hispanias territory swearing allegiance to Triyun Kun have begun the process of there own arms build ups as Hispania leaves the Liberty territories. Meetings between Zoner and Blood Dragon officials of the formation of a Coalition to rule the Tau's and Bretonia have recently drawn worry. Many officials in the administration privately acknowledge civil war could quickly be renewed with smaller powers previously dormant now wanting to get there revenge on the weakened houses. The President has vowed to prevent this but it is unclear whether he can.
Ok, since this RPG is mostly dead, and it is almost time for #3 to start, I am shutting this one down.
Also, Triyun, I am just going to treat this like you never attacked anything Bretonian recently, since you are CHEATING by saying that you suddenly own all my systems without fighting.
No more posts will count, but I will post some awards and stuff today or tommorow, after exams finish, lol.
Also, Triyun, I am just going to treat this like you never attacked anything Bretonian recently, since you are CHEATING by saying that you suddenly own all my systems without fighting.

No more posts will count, but I will post some awards and stuff today or tommorow, after exams finish, lol.
I do not speak for Sisko, but I am still in, but with finals I have absolutly no time to fight a war, so I made peace with everyone. Kill Sisko if you want, but I could never bear to see my mighty empire crumble while I am studying away.
RPG's over anyway, so it doesn't matter much, except that you never attacked me.

RPG's over anyway, so it doesn't matter much, except that you never attacked me.

Ok, guys, thanks for playing.
As with CYOF 1, I will make a list of awards for people that I think deserve some special recognition, and for the most sucessful factions.
Winner (by CPT amount at end): Tie- Triyun/ww2jacob (Corsairs/Bretonia)
Winner (by systems controlled at end): ww2jacob (Bretonia)
Most times attacked by another faction: Wilde (Rheinland)
Most times attacing another faction: Sisko03 (Liberty)
Most loyal ally (Never backstabbed): roc (Gaians)
Most times backstabbed by another faction: Tie- Richardson/Wilde (BHG/RH)
Most times backstabbing another faction: Sisko03 (Liberty)
Best survivalist: richardson (BHG)
Most valuable system: Sigma-13
Best explorer: gunblader (Samura)
First battle: Wilde (Rheinland) vs. Vorticaldwarf (Kusari) @ Sigma-13
Most victorious: ww2jacob (Bretonia) (Never lost a battle)
Most successful diplomat: Wilde (Rheinland)
And... for the Great Omega Chief Cup, for most stubborn enemy:
Wilde (Rheinland)
Thanks again for all those who helped make this game the most successful RPG in FL history!
I'll post more awards when I think of them. Recommendations and nominations are accepted.
Edited by - ww2jacob on 12/19/2004 8:23:51 PM

As with CYOF 1, I will make a list of awards for people that I think deserve some special recognition, and for the most sucessful factions.
Winner (by CPT amount at end): Tie- Triyun/ww2jacob (Corsairs/Bretonia)
Winner (by systems controlled at end): ww2jacob (Bretonia)
Most times attacked by another faction: Wilde (Rheinland)
Most times attacing another faction: Sisko03 (Liberty)
Most loyal ally (Never backstabbed): roc (Gaians)
Most times backstabbed by another faction: Tie- Richardson/Wilde (BHG/RH)
Most times backstabbing another faction: Sisko03 (Liberty)
Best survivalist: richardson (BHG)
Most valuable system: Sigma-13
Best explorer: gunblader (Samura)
First battle: Wilde (Rheinland) vs. Vorticaldwarf (Kusari) @ Sigma-13
Most victorious: ww2jacob (Bretonia) (Never lost a battle)
Most successful diplomat: Wilde (Rheinland)
And... for the Great Omega Chief Cup, for most stubborn enemy:
Wilde (Rheinland)
Thanks again for all those who helped make this game the most successful RPG in FL history!

I'll post more awards when I think of them. Recommendations and nominations are accepted.

Edited by - ww2jacob on 12/19/2004 8:23:51 PM
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