Uh, I don't think so...there never was a rule against the number of research points a ship can have.
Ship Bonuses- factions can increase one of the ratings of one of their ships. A maximum of five can be done, and 9 is the highest the rating can get.
yup. A maximum of 5 points can be researched per ship type per turn. I haven't violated any of those rules. If you've got a problem with facing 450 tricked-out Light Fighters per system, poor you. All I can say is your force in Frankfurt is F***, buddy!

@ Richardson: I'll let you build bases in my systems as soon as this war with Liberty and Bretonia is finished. As long as, of course...you stop your viscious campaign against me.
OOC: Let's keep this war going without any peace agreements. All forces are evenly matched, and the really bad thing about this rpg is that it hasn't seem much blood. We should continue this war till the death of one side is complete, and then maybe considering ending it.
Sorry Sisko, but I've been waiting to have a war with you for a long long time.

So, here is my official battle force:
New Berlin: 1 battleship, 4 cruisers, 9 gunboats, 10 VHF, 20 HF, 550 LF wings (all Rhineland)
2 Battleships, 4 Cruisers, 8 Gunboats, 20 HF Wings, 80 LF Wings (all Liberty) and 6 Battleships, 6 Cruisers, 6 Gunboats, 325 LF (all Bretonia).
Frankfurt: 1 battleship, 2 cruisers, 5 gunboats, 10 VHF, 20 HF, 340 LF wings (all Rhineland)
2 Dreadnaughts, 4 Cruisers, 8 Gunboats, 80 LF Wings (all Liberty)
Hamburg: 1 gunboat (it's screwed)
2 R. Battleships, 4 R. Cruisers, 8 Gunboats, 20 HF Wings, 80 LF Wings (Gunboats, HFs, and LFs all Liberty)
Omicron Alpha: 60 LF wings (all Rhineland)
25 LF wings (all Bretonian)
Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/8/2004 5:41:27 PM