Turn 18
This turn I will:
A. Place 1 large base in Dublin, 1 cruiser and 9 VHF wings in Sigma 13.
B. Purchase 1 battleship, 0 destroyer, 2 cruiser, and 4 VHF wings.
C. Party time

Since the one turn mandatory is over Rheinland is in for a world of pain. I send 12 Battleships, 8 gunboats, 20 VHF wings, 20 HF wings, and
100 LF wings to attack New Berlin (Battle group A). 6 Battleships, 2 destroyer, 1 cruiser, 4 gunboats, 19 VHF wings, 11 HF wings, and 31 LF wings
(battle group B ) will remain in Sigma 13 to blockade any unauthorized forces from entering or leaving the system.
D. My offer still stands. I am offering free water to any friendly faction who wants it. Also free food.
At the end of this turn I will have:
10 credits, 1319 Food, 1153 H- Fuel, 286 Metals, 130 Oxygen, 1446 Water.
7 small bases, 19 large bases, 3 fighter shipyards, 3 capital shipyards, 4 planets.
131 LF wings, 31 HF wings, 39 VHF wings, 12 gunboats, 1 cruiser, 2 destroyers, 18 battleships, 3 freighters, 1 transport, 2 largetransports, 1 train.
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 12/4/2004 12:42:09 PM