@ Triyun: You should have posted you were sending help. You didn't, so tbbbbth!
And to everyone who has any doubts, I DID agree to the edited surrender proposal put down by Sisko and Jacob, they're not making this up. Now, gunblader--it's not an illegal move. You can move forces into a system that you're at war with, but not through it.
@ Sisko: I'll downsize my military after we take Wutai and Sigma 13, k? I need alll the help I can get.
It's interesting, you know...everyone I'm killing now is an ally who turned their back on me....

Message to Hispania--You should not have turned your backs on us and failed to bring aid. Perhaps we could have beaten Liberty and Bretonia together, even taking the empires for ourselves, but now they are my allies and masters. Hispania shall rue the day it forgot Rhineland.
Message to Samura--You, too, should not have turned away. A combined alliance of Hispania, Rhineland, and Samura would be invincible. Now, I am sorry that I will have to take from you your lives and home systems.
Message to the BHG-- I have no sympathy for you, as you know. Whining piece of filth that you are.
this is going to be my movements that should have occurred yesterday:
1. All forces in Stuttgart and all forces in New Berlin minus 10 LF wings per system to attack Wutai. Forces: 91 LF, 3 HF, 1 cruiser, 4 gunboats, 6 VHF, 1 destroyer, 1 battleship.
2. All forces in Sigma 13 plus all forces in Weimar minus 10 LF wings to attack Hispania at Sigma 13. Furthermore, 30 LF wings from Hamburg will come to help. Altogether, that's 105 LF wings, 3 HF, 3 VHF, 3 gunboats, 1 destroyer, 7 cruisers, and 1 battleship
@ jacob: remember to factor those ships in!
After victory, all remaining forces will cross into Sigma 17 to help Liberty, and from there to Sigma 19.
Edit: good, gunblader you're going out with a laugh...admirable
Also, Sisko, I still have control over the bases in Hudson and Bering, just you have control over the systems.
WOW, it feels good to be on the winning side.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/27/2004 5:58:05 AM