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The Control Your Own Faction RPG- Pt. 2: Rebirth, Official T
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
Turn 4.
This turn I will:
A. Buy 1 small base and 1 HF wing.
B. Place 1 battle ship and 4 HF wings in the Hokaido system.
At the end of the turn I will have:
100 credits, 114 Food, 103 H-Fuel, 15 Metals, 0 Oxygen, and 128 Water
4 small bases, 5 large bases, 1 fighter shipyard, 1 Cap. shipyard, and 3 planets
120 LF, 46 HF, 4 Battleships, 2 frieghters
I am still waiting to hear the outcome of last turn's tech research.
This turn I will:
A. Buy 1 small base and 1 HF wing.
B. Place 1 battle ship and 4 HF wings in the Hokaido system.
At the end of the turn I will have:
100 credits, 114 Food, 103 H-Fuel, 15 Metals, 0 Oxygen, and 128 Water
4 small bases, 5 large bases, 1 fighter shipyard, 1 Cap. shipyard, and 3 planets
120 LF, 46 HF, 4 Battleships, 2 frieghters
I am still waiting to hear the outcome of last turn's tech research.
BHG: Turn 4
440-225- 100=115.
16 O/ 24 H-F/ 28 F/ 56 H2O/ 16 M
-15 O/ 7 H-F/ 25 F/ 5 H2O/35 Metals.
1 O/ 17 H-F/ 3 F/ 51 H2O/ O M (Reciving metal shipment next turn, base finishing that turn.)
Deshima Fighter squads move from Honshu to Frankfurt, and fall into escort of the freighters delivering supplys to the BHG
Sheffield fighter squadron Moves from california to Texas, to bering (Used the cal/tex jumphole.) on their way to dresden.
Paid GMG for 3 trains.
Planning on sending another exploration squad out next turn.
Begining construction on Fighter shipyard. Should complete sometime in the next 3 turns.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
Edited by - richardson on 11/6/2004 11:34:18 AM
440-225- 100=115.
16 O/ 24 H-F/ 28 F/ 56 H2O/ 16 M
-15 O/ 7 H-F/ 25 F/ 5 H2O/35 Metals.
1 O/ 17 H-F/ 3 F/ 51 H2O/ O M (Reciving metal shipment next turn, base finishing that turn.)
Deshima Fighter squads move from Honshu to Frankfurt, and fall into escort of the freighters delivering supplys to the BHG
Sheffield fighter squadron Moves from california to Texas, to bering (Used the cal/tex jumphole.) on their way to dresden.
Paid GMG for 3 trains.
Planning on sending another exploration squad out next turn.
Begining construction on Fighter shipyard. Should complete sometime in the next 3 turns.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
Edited by - richardson on 11/6/2004 11:34:18 AM
Wilde, your number was 1.
You now can build Rheinland VHFs.
Outcast, your explore number was 2.
You find a system with one planet suitable for terraforming. You can now build in this system.
Your researches were 10 and 7.
Both failures.
Sorry, but you will have to try again.
Edited by - ww2jacob on 11/6/2004 12:02:01 PM
You now can build Rheinland VHFs.

Outcast, your explore number was 2.
You find a system with one planet suitable for terraforming. You can now build in this system.

Your researches were 10 and 7.
Both failures.

Sorry, but you will have to try again.
Edited by - ww2jacob on 11/6/2004 12:02:01 PM
jacob, what resources are in my new system?
Also, i christen the system Sigma-Prime. It has a Jump Hole to the Sigma 19 System.
To richardson: 225 Credits recieved. We will send you 1 transport next turn, and build the other 2, which will be sent to you in 2 turns. Sorry for the delay.
Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 11/6/2004 2:38:06 PM
Also, i christen the system Sigma-Prime. It has a Jump Hole to the Sigma 19 System.
To richardson: 225 Credits recieved. We will send you 1 transport next turn, and build the other 2, which will be sent to you in 2 turns. Sorry for the delay.
Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 11/6/2004 2:38:06 PM
@ Stinger: This isn't a verdict or anything, but I'm guessing that the only one you should delete is the unofficial rebirth thread. The OOC thread and the Reserve a Faction thread maintain use, and the original rpg should remain simply as a tribute to its popularity and glory.
k, so today's turn...
Rhienland is to rename Frankfurt the Weimar system, based purely on the fact that "Frankfurt" is an idiotic name that annoys the hell out of Chancellor Wilde.
1. I place the gunboat in Stuttgart.
2. Now being able to build VHF (thanks, jacob, for deciding that), Rhienland builds 2 wings of them. This comes to the cost of 40 credits, 10 M, 6 H-F, 2 O.
3. Alliance offerred to the GMG.
4. I move 10 LF from Weimar to Dresden.
5. Subtracting the 25 credits I trade per day with the GMG and Bretonia, my income comes to...235 credits. +395 credits left over from yesterday=630 credits.
commodities left: 41 M, 64 F, 39 W, 30 O, 22 H-F. Hey, I'm pretty darn rich.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/6/2004 4:22:46 PM
k, so today's turn...
Rhienland is to rename Frankfurt the Weimar system, based purely on the fact that "Frankfurt" is an idiotic name that annoys the hell out of Chancellor Wilde.
1. I place the gunboat in Stuttgart.
2. Now being able to build VHF (thanks, jacob, for deciding that), Rhienland builds 2 wings of them. This comes to the cost of 40 credits, 10 M, 6 H-F, 2 O.
3. Alliance offerred to the GMG.
4. I move 10 LF from Weimar to Dresden.
5. Subtracting the 25 credits I trade per day with the GMG and Bretonia, my income comes to...235 credits. +395 credits left over from yesterday=630 credits.
commodities left: 41 M, 64 F, 39 W, 30 O, 22 H-F. Hey, I'm pretty darn rich.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/6/2004 4:22:46 PM
@Stinger- I left the other thread up because a lot of changes were made, and I wanted that thread to be a reference for us. I thought it wasn't a big deal, but if you have a burning desire to rid the forum of it, feel free. I am no mod, so I can only give you my reason for leaving it there. In the end, it is all up to you. So, if you think it is clutter and you don't want it, delete away. If you don't care that much, then leave it be. Your choice.
@Outcast- I might not have mentioned this, but each new system gets two of every resource.
@Outcast- I might not have mentioned this, but each new system gets two of every resource.
Turn 4
Bases, military etc...
New London: 1 Planet, 1 Battleship, 10 HF, 20 LF
Cambridge: 1 Planet, 1 Capital Shipyard, 1 Battleship, 10 HF, 20 LF, 1 Large Transport
Dublin: 1 Battleship, 1 Large Station, 10 HF, 10 LF
Edinburgh: 1 Large Station, 10 LF
Leeds: 1 Planet, 1 Large Station, 1 Fighter Shipyard, 1 Battleship, 10 HF
Manchester: 1 Large Station, 2 Small Stations, 20 LF
Tau-31: 1 Small Station, 2 Gunboats, 20 LF, 10 HF
New Purchases:
1 Small Station
Research LF Upgrade (do I have to specify what kind?)
1 Train full of Metals to Rhienland (Cambridge - Omega 3 - Omega 7 - Stuttgart)
1 Large Transport full of Food to IMG (Doesn't even have to leave Cambridge)
Message to Arilias, Guildmaster of the IMG:
Message to GMG:
Credits - 65+50+15+40+10+30+5 = 145
Food - 69+3+6+2+20-5 = 95
H-Fuel - 41+21+12+5+5 = 84
Metals - 64+4+18+12+4+16-10 = 108
Oxygen - 40+9+3+14+4 = 70
Water - 79+15+4+10+5 = 113
Credits - 80, Food - 10, H-Fuel - 2, Metals - 20, Oxygen - 10, Water - 3
Final Tally:
Credits - 135, Food - 85, H-Fuel - 82, Metals - 88, Oxygen - 60, Water - 110
Bases, military etc...
New London: 1 Planet, 1 Battleship, 10 HF, 20 LF
Cambridge: 1 Planet, 1 Capital Shipyard, 1 Battleship, 10 HF, 20 LF, 1 Large Transport
Dublin: 1 Battleship, 1 Large Station, 10 HF, 10 LF
Edinburgh: 1 Large Station, 10 LF
Leeds: 1 Planet, 1 Large Station, 1 Fighter Shipyard, 1 Battleship, 10 HF
Manchester: 1 Large Station, 2 Small Stations, 20 LF
Tau-31: 1 Small Station, 2 Gunboats, 20 LF, 10 HF
New Purchases:
1 Small Station
Research LF Upgrade (do I have to specify what kind?)
1 Train full of Metals to Rhienland (Cambridge - Omega 3 - Omega 7 - Stuttgart)
1 Large Transport full of Food to IMG (Doesn't even have to leave Cambridge)
Message to Arilias, Guildmaster of the IMG:
The first shipment of food has been sent. Enjoy. If you are so inclined Bretonia would be willing to expand the size and scope of our agreement.
Message to GMG:
Once again, we thank you for your offer but, regrettably, we must decline. Our H-Fuel resources are adequate now. Should the need arise, we will know who to call.
Credits - 65+50+15+40+10+30+5 = 145
Food - 69+3+6+2+20-5 = 95
H-Fuel - 41+21+12+5+5 = 84
Metals - 64+4+18+12+4+16-10 = 108
Oxygen - 40+9+3+14+4 = 70
Water - 79+15+4+10+5 = 113
Credits - 80, Food - 10, H-Fuel - 2, Metals - 20, Oxygen - 10, Water - 3
Final Tally:
Credits - 135, Food - 85, H-Fuel - 82, Metals - 88, Oxygen - 60, Water - 110
hmm...I really should start keeping track of my military...oh well.
Also, just for future reference, every turn the train sent from Bretonia will automatically be returned with 5 H-Fuel. 5 credits will be transferred to Bretonia and 20 to the GMG per turn.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/6/2004 10:48:02 PM
Also, just for future reference, every turn the train sent from Bretonia will automatically be returned with 5 H-Fuel. 5 credits will be transferred to Bretonia and 20 to the GMG per turn.
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/6/2004 10:48:02 PM
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