Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:08 pm by Triyun
@ Outcasts: Get out of Sigma 19, that is a corsair system, you may be our ally, but we will not permit a cruise liner to have unsanctioned attacks on it.
@ Rheinland: I'll be attacking Vogtland this turn, please send promised reinforcments, Junkers are next, it will greatly help our trade commission look kindly on Rheinland investment in Sigma 13 H-fuel mining. Also instead, I request you sieze GMG and ALG assets there, give one to us and keep one. Then agree to that specified small military force once taken and you have a deal. When your taking the GMG bases though, don't even think of going for the Kusari Jumpgate. Do we have a deal? Also would you like to trade a battleship a 100 H-fuel, if your short on it right now, that could be useful.
@ Samura Industries: The GMG has choked H-Fuel for too long, the corsairs give you free access to capturing GMG ports in our space provided you share resources with us.
Turn Income: 150 Credits
Total Resources and Credits Left from previous turn: 35 credits, 23 food, 95 h-fuel, 6 metal, 4 oxygen, 15 water
1 Large Base for Sigma 17
4 VHF Wings
1 LF Wing
Total Resources Left:
0 Credits, 19 food, 163 h-feul, 14 metal, 9 Oxygen, 22 water
Placement: 1 Large Base in Sigma 19
Omicron Gamma-> Dresden
Sigma 13-> Sigma 19
Vogtland Base in Dresden, Attack Force:
10 VHF Wings
3 Bomber Wings
23 LF Wings
promised Rheinland Reinforcements of:
10 LF Wings
2 HF Wings
The 10 VHF Outcasts Wings in Sigma 19 if they don't back off the Luxury Liner Hawaii and request permission to occupy the GMG base. I am attacking with if this is the case:
21 VHF Wings
4 Bomber Wings
24.5 LF Wings
Systems Controlled:
Omega 5 (joint ownership)
Omega 41
Omicron Gamma
Sigma 13
Sigma 17
Sigma 19
Omega 5:
1 Large Base
Omega 41:
3 Large Bases
Omicron Gamma:
1 Planet
1 Shipyard
1 Small Base
Sigma 13:
1 Large Base
1 Small Base
Sigma 17:
1 Planet
Sigma 19:
1 Large Base
Sigma 13:
2 VHF Wings
Sigma 17:
1 HF Wing
3 LF Wings
Sigma 19:
21 VHF Wings
4 Bomber Wings
24.5 LF Wings
Omicron Gamma Forces:
Omega 41 Forces:
1 LF Wing
Omega 5 Forces:
10 VHF Wings
3 Bomber Wings
23 LF Wings
Fighter Stats: Legionairre Class LF- 6 FA, 2 CA, 2 FD, 1 CD
Centurion Class HF- 5 FA, 3 CA, 3 FD, 2 CD
Titan Class VHF- 6 FA, 5 CA, 4 FD, 4 CD
Revolutionary Bomber- 1 FA, 9 CA, 2 FD, 6 CD
Edited by - Triyun on 11/20/2004 10:11:34 PM
Edited by - Triyun on 11/20/2004 10:15:36 PM