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The Control Your Own Faction RPG- Pt. 2: Rebirth, Official T
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
I have some rules in place.
No shooting within 2 clicks of a Zoners base.
Unless you plan to attack the base.
I will post my turn 3 close to tomorrow.
I am open to trade in any of the my systems you can BUY or SELL any resource.
Food: 2 credits each
Metals: 1 credits each
H-Fuel: 3 credit each
Oxygen: 2 credits each
Water: 2 credits each.
Please stop posting requests for system explorations, etc.
Edited by - DeathSpike on 11/11/2004 7:15:27 AM
No shooting within 2 clicks of a Zoners base.
Unless you plan to attack the base.
I will post my turn 3 close to tomorrow.
I am open to trade in any of the my systems you can BUY or SELL any resource.
Food: 2 credits each
Metals: 1 credits each
H-Fuel: 3 credit each
Oxygen: 2 credits each
Water: 2 credits each.
Please stop posting requests for system explorations, etc.
Edited by - DeathSpike on 11/11/2004 7:15:27 AM
To all: I agree. I will post turn 9 and then stop. BTW to keep things simple, I would suggest that instead of saying what turn each individual player is currently on just post as the current turn (in other words everyone is currently on turn
To gunblader: To avoid clutter I will post a reply to your shipyard question in the OOC post.
Turn 9.
This turn I will:
A. place 1 large base in the Kyushu system, and 3 gunboats in the New Tokyo system.
B. purchase 1 large base, 1 large transport, and 6 LF wings.
C. buy 20 Metals from the Zoners for 20 credits and 5 Oxygen from IMG for 5 credits.
D. Kusari is currently engaged in negotiations with the Corsairs. We look favorably upon their new stance and provided they are sincere an economic and possibly even a millitary alliance is expected.
At the end of this turn I will have:
0 credits, 283 Food, 226 H-Fuel, 6 Metals, 6 Oxygen, 326 Water
5 small bases, 7 large bases, 1 cap. shipyard, 1 fighter shipyard, 3 planets
156 LF, 98 HF, 3 gunboats, 5 battleships, 2 frieghters, 1 transport, 1 large transport
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/11/2004 7:01:08 AM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/11/2004 7:03:15 AM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/11/2004 7:37:21 AM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/11/2004 7:38:25 AM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/12/2004 5:33:20 AM

To gunblader: To avoid clutter I will post a reply to your shipyard question in the OOC post.
Turn 9.
This turn I will:
A. place 1 large base in the Kyushu system, and 3 gunboats in the New Tokyo system.
B. purchase 1 large base, 1 large transport, and 6 LF wings.
C. buy 20 Metals from the Zoners for 20 credits and 5 Oxygen from IMG for 5 credits.
D. Kusari is currently engaged in negotiations with the Corsairs. We look favorably upon their new stance and provided they are sincere an economic and possibly even a millitary alliance is expected.
At the end of this turn I will have:
0 credits, 283 Food, 226 H-Fuel, 6 Metals, 6 Oxygen, 326 Water
5 small bases, 7 large bases, 1 cap. shipyard, 1 fighter shipyard, 3 planets
156 LF, 98 HF, 3 gunboats, 5 battleships, 2 frieghters, 1 transport, 1 large transport
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/11/2004 7:01:08 AM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/11/2004 7:03:15 AM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/11/2004 7:37:21 AM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/11/2004 7:38:25 AM
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/12/2004 5:33:20 AM
Corsairs finish their construction of the previous forces. Updates ship deployment:
Omicron Gamma Defense Force:
20 LF Legoinarre Class
17 VHF Titan Class
Omega 41 Defense Force:
10 LF Legoinarre Class
4 HF Centurion Class
6 VHF Titan Class
Omega 5 Defense Force:
10 LF Legoinarre Class
10 VHF Titan Class
New Construction:
Border Station (Small Base At Omicron Gamma Side of the Jumphole from Omicron Theta to Omicron Gamma)
Tripoli Shipyard Construction:
1 Freighter
1 VHF Titan Wing
Diplomatic Actions:
Talks continue with the Kusari House Officials: Offers are for corsair mercenaries and their Titan VHF to serve alongside the Kusari military and to give amnesty to all Kusarian Nationals passing through Corsair controlled spaceways and ceasing of piracy and smuggling within Kusari space. Corsair mercenary wings would cost 10% additional in their price for the Kusari as standard VHF wings available to the Corsairs themselves. In exchange corsairs wish for pardons on previous crimes, a military alliance, and ability to use Kusarian shipyards for capital ship production.
Diplomatic Envoys are sent to Liberty, Bretonia, and their old enemies the Outcasts to negotiate similar trade and possibly military arrangements. Envoys sent to Rheinland expect considerably less progress and only for now press a truce.
Still waiting moderators word on the 6 fighter research upgrade attempts
1 Additional upgrade attempt is made to the anti fighter weapons on the LF
Remaining Resources.
15 credits, 18 food, 12 metal, 12 H-Fuel, 2 Metal, 8 Oxygen, 1 Water
Edited by - Triyun on 11/11/2004 9:43:21 AM
Omicron Gamma Defense Force:
20 LF Legoinarre Class
17 VHF Titan Class
Omega 41 Defense Force:
10 LF Legoinarre Class
4 HF Centurion Class
6 VHF Titan Class
Omega 5 Defense Force:
10 LF Legoinarre Class
10 VHF Titan Class
New Construction:
Border Station (Small Base At Omicron Gamma Side of the Jumphole from Omicron Theta to Omicron Gamma)
Tripoli Shipyard Construction:
1 Freighter
1 VHF Titan Wing
Diplomatic Actions:
Talks continue with the Kusari House Officials: Offers are for corsair mercenaries and their Titan VHF to serve alongside the Kusari military and to give amnesty to all Kusarian Nationals passing through Corsair controlled spaceways and ceasing of piracy and smuggling within Kusari space. Corsair mercenary wings would cost 10% additional in their price for the Kusari as standard VHF wings available to the Corsairs themselves. In exchange corsairs wish for pardons on previous crimes, a military alliance, and ability to use Kusarian shipyards for capital ship production.
Diplomatic Envoys are sent to Liberty, Bretonia, and their old enemies the Outcasts to negotiate similar trade and possibly military arrangements. Envoys sent to Rheinland expect considerably less progress and only for now press a truce.
Still waiting moderators word on the 6 fighter research upgrade attempts
1 Additional upgrade attempt is made to the anti fighter weapons on the LF
Remaining Resources.
15 credits, 18 food, 12 metal, 12 H-Fuel, 2 Metal, 8 Oxygen, 1 Water
Edited by - Triyun on 11/11/2004 9:43:21 AM
Ok, I think when Outcast said to "not go past turn 8" he was implying to the newcomers that they not post any more of THEIR turns either, because ww2jacob will NEVER catch up with all this. Someone freeze this freakin' thing.
In a surprising move by the Unioners, an amnesty treaty has been agreed on. We will send 2 cruisers and 10 LF wings to aid them in their attack on the Xeno base in Bering. We will afterwards take control of the base and in return give them two bases now belonging to Republican shipping (haha, I can to anything we want to RS because I'm authoritarian...)
The Unioners will get Altona station (small) and Alster Shipyard (small) in Hamburg. And, as RS officials are corrupt and annoying, The Rhienland government will seize all their bases. Attacks on Altona and Alster will commence tomorrow...or whenever Jacob gets back.
Maybe he's dead....
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/11/2004 3:12:38 PM
In a surprising move by the Unioners, an amnesty treaty has been agreed on. We will send 2 cruisers and 10 LF wings to aid them in their attack on the Xeno base in Bering. We will afterwards take control of the base and in return give them two bases now belonging to Republican shipping (haha, I can to anything we want to RS because I'm authoritarian...)
The Unioners will get Altona station (small) and Alster Shipyard (small) in Hamburg. And, as RS officials are corrupt and annoying, The Rhienland government will seize all their bases. Attacks on Altona and Alster will commence tomorrow...or whenever Jacob gets back.
Maybe he's dead....
Edited by - [ACWilde on 11/11/2004 3:12:38 PM
Samura fourth turn:
stuff from last turn:
credits- 500
commodities- 86(F)/ 94(W)/ 60(M)/ 58(O)/ 80(H-F)
I offer an Alliance to the Blood Dragons.
"My brethren Blood Dragons, I offer peace and military alliance, let us put aside our differences and come together with the Kusari house as a Strong, United, Kusari People!"
I sell 50 food and water to the zoners for 200 credits
leaving me with:
credits- 700
commodities- 26(F)/ 44(W)/ 60(M)/ 58(O)/ 80(H-F)
income: 50 credits
28(F)/ 32(W)/ 15(M)/ 17(O)/ 20(H-F)
final amont:
credits- 750
commodities- 54(F)/ 76(W)/ 75(M)/ 75(O)/ 100(H-F)
Most people fear the unknown.
Most people haven't met me.
Edited by - gunblader on 11/12/2004 2:37:15 PM
Edited by - gunblader on 11/12/2004 3:10:38 PM
Edited by - gunblader on 11/12/2004 3:15:26 PM
stuff from last turn:
credits- 500
commodities- 86(F)/ 94(W)/ 60(M)/ 58(O)/ 80(H-F)
I offer an Alliance to the Blood Dragons.
"My brethren Blood Dragons, I offer peace and military alliance, let us put aside our differences and come together with the Kusari house as a Strong, United, Kusari People!"
I sell 50 food and water to the zoners for 200 credits
leaving me with:
credits- 700
commodities- 26(F)/ 44(W)/ 60(M)/ 58(O)/ 80(H-F)
income: 50 credits
28(F)/ 32(W)/ 15(M)/ 17(O)/ 20(H-F)
final amont:
credits- 750
commodities- 54(F)/ 76(W)/ 75(M)/ 75(O)/ 100(H-F)
Most people fear the unknown.
Most people haven't met me.
Edited by - gunblader on 11/12/2004 2:37:15 PM
Edited by - gunblader on 11/12/2004 3:10:38 PM
Edited by - gunblader on 11/12/2004 3:15:26 PM
To Samura:
I hate to throw water on your fleet building dreams again, but corporations can't build capital ships. Considering that your primary strengths are economic I don't see why you would waste money on capital ships anyway. Rember the golden rule:
"Whoever has the gold (or in this case Metals and H-Fuel) makes the rules."
Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/11/2004 3:18:52 PM
I hate to throw water on your fleet building dreams again, but corporations can't build capital ships. Considering that your primary strengths are economic I don't see why you would waste money on capital ships anyway. Rember the golden rule:
"Whoever has the gold (or in this case Metals and H-Fuel) makes the rules."

Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 11/11/2004 3:18:52 PM
Umm, the blood dragons are extreme leftists disgusted with corporate corruption of the Kusari house, I think Samura Industries is probably one of these groups, it'd be really odd for them to make an alliance.
As for turns, I thought that meant once we get up to turn 8, I apologize. When is he expected to return , btw.
As for turns, I thought that meant once we get up to turn 8, I apologize. When is he expected to return , btw.
Okay, I have the results of the explores/techs.
Can someone please post all of the battles and forces?
Correct me if I missed anything.
VHF- 3, Success
Explore- 2, Success (1 Terraformable Planet, I think)
5x LF FA- 9,2,9,2,7: 2 Success, 3 Failure
2x Explore- 4,4 2 Success (I think 2 systems with no planets)
Specify your LF. (FA, CA, FD, CD)
Explore- 3 Success (I think 1 System with no planets)
Explore- 4 Success (Same as Arillias)
That's it. Correct me if you see anything wrong or missing.
Many successes for you lucky fools!
Everyone gained something.
Can someone please post all of the battles and forces?
Correct me if I missed anything.
VHF- 3, Success
Explore- 2, Success (1 Terraformable Planet, I think)
5x LF FA- 9,2,9,2,7: 2 Success, 3 Failure
2x Explore- 4,4 2 Success (I think 2 systems with no planets)
Specify your LF. (FA, CA, FD, CD)
Explore- 3 Success (I think 1 System with no planets)
Explore- 4 Success (Same as Arillias)
That's it. Correct me if you see anything wrong or missing.
Many successes for you lucky fools!

Everyone gained something.
You forgot my VHF research.
(Scratches out his plans to put a base in colorado, and immediately starts plans to move major BHG operations into the new system, which he shall call "Destiny". Meh, I'm a melodramatic guy at times. Since it seems only the newcomers are allowed to post, I'll wait for them to catch up.)
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
(Scratches out his plans to put a base in colorado, and immediately starts plans to move major BHG operations into the new system, which he shall call "Destiny". Meh, I'm a melodramatic guy at times. Since it seems only the newcomers are allowed to post, I'll wait for them to catch up.)
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
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