FanFic feedback thread
What I would like to do, is encourage you to work on your topic choices. 1st and foremost, choose a topic you like and have an interest in. That makes the story an easier fit. It has been said, write what you know. That you be familiar with your subject. It is hard to write about a topic, that you are unfamiliar with.
2nd. Get a tool, wether MS Word, WordPerfect, MS Works, or another word processor. There is a link to a free one in the sticky on this page. Use it to compose your stories, wether you think them through, or write on the fly. This will give you a chance to reread them, edit them for spelling, grammar , etc. Then, reread them again. Does it sound like something you would read in a book? Does it interest you? Does it make you think the story in your mind? If it does not, in may not hold the interest of another reader.
3rd. Feedback is important, but not the highest judge of your work. Everyone likes it when people say, “Nice story” or “Keep it coming”. If the story is badly written, it will only continue that way. You have to judge your work first, if it passes muster with you, then seek some feed back. But, take it with a grain of salt. Some may just not like your style. The work may be well written, just not for that persons taste. What then is the best answer? Look at all the feed back and get a general idea of the review of the story. After all, even the best authors have had bad stories to come out. But, when they write a great one, look out!
Just write, if it is what you truly like to do. I wish I knew who said this, but I don’t, so here goes. “If one day you wake up and all you can think about is writing, then you are a writer. Put pen to paper, or in this case, keyboard to processor and write a prize winning story.
No, I am not an expert at writing, I am just one who loves to write. Want to know what I have written, loon on the home page for the fanfic area and click, see the one written by me, Michael Turner or better, go to the other story forum and see what is there. Use the from last year option to see all the posts.
Enjoy writing.
Michael Turner “Finalday”
Post here if you are interested and what your writing interest are. Come up with ideas to write about. I will do my best to encourage you.