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Control your faction #2 OOC and discussion thread.
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
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Ok, Outcast, I run the RPG now, do I have the final say on this.
I would have to agree with Code on the commodities, and I have expressed my opinions on the main thread. However, I am also leaving it up to a vote.
We will be using them until everyone casn come to a descision on this.
@Bret- As a corp, you and Codename have to work out exactly what you get. Most likely, he will allow you to mine all the Bretonian resources, and you will give part of them to him, and you will keep part. I did have a rule that said that houses couldn't trade, they had to rely on corps, but that didn't work out because no one wanted to be a corp. So, just talk to him about it, either here or MSN, and work something out. Of course, you won't have to worry if we decide to remove the resources...
I would have to agree with Code on the commodities, and I have expressed my opinions on the main thread. However, I am also leaving it up to a vote.
We will be using them until everyone casn come to a descision on this.
@Bret- As a corp, you and Codename have to work out exactly what you get. Most likely, he will allow you to mine all the Bretonian resources, and you will give part of them to him, and you will keep part. I did have a rule that said that houses couldn't trade, they had to rely on corps, but that didn't work out because no one wanted to be a corp. So, just talk to him about it, either here or MSN, and work something out. Of course, you won't have to worry if we decide to remove the resources...
Okay. Just so you all know (I hope everyone reads this) day 1/turn 1 is not over yet. I suggested to Jacob that he post a turn synopsis at the end of every turn so, until you see the synopsis
This was decided so that eveyone can get their first turn in at the same time. Those of you who have already posted your second turn's information should delete your posts as they will be ignored.
Also, I believe resources are here to stay. I have put together a calculator (based on Outcast's) that will add up all of your money and resources as well as any purchases you elect to make and give you a final tally at the end. (It is missing something that will add in credits from trade agreements but I think you are all smart enough that you can handle that sort of thing yourselves.) All you have to do is fill in some of the blanks; it's very, very simple. Nobody has any excuses now. You can get the calculator from me or Jacob.
This was decided so that eveyone can get their first turn in at the same time. Those of you who have already posted your second turn's information should delete your posts as they will be ignored.
Also, I believe resources are here to stay. I have put together a calculator (based on Outcast's) that will add up all of your money and resources as well as any purchases you elect to make and give you a final tally at the end. (It is missing something that will add in credits from trade agreements but I think you are all smart enough that you can handle that sort of thing yourselves.) All you have to do is fill in some of the blanks; it's very, very simple. Nobody has any excuses now. You can get the calculator from me or Jacob.
Yes, I had a discussion with Codename on MSN, and we decided that resources are here to stay. However, due to complaints by most everyone, I am going to increase the amount of resources in each system so it is more fair. It will make the game more fast paced, and I think that you guys will like it once the RPG really gets going. This is an executive descision, and you guys really have no valid argument against it anymore (Code's calculator fixed that), it is here to stay unless you guys find a good, valid argument against it.
Arguments can be presented on this thread, or over MSN. I am [email protected].
Don't waste your time and my time by giving arguments like:
"I'm too lazy to use the calculator!"
"I just don't like resources!"
"It's just a dumb idea!"
"It's a waste of my time!"
We all know those are bad arguments, so if you want ot discuss it, at least present some sort of valid argument, and be ready to back it up.
Arguments can be presented on this thread, or over MSN. I am [email protected].
Don't waste your time and my time by giving arguments like:
"I'm too lazy to use the calculator!"
"I just don't like resources!"
"It's just a dumb idea!"
"It's a waste of my time!"
We all know those are bad arguments, so if you want ot discuss it, at least present some sort of valid argument, and be ready to back it up.

Problem is, just about NO-ONE has EXCEL!
plus(Calming down) the fact that you have basicly screwed everything up by forcing us to control those key systems with h-fuel.
Plus, I did not BUILD a landing pad on manhatten, I bought an unused one that my leader already partially owned, but had to share it.
Like I said, change the resource system completely, you're screwing everything up with it.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
Freelancer Guild Master-Control your own faction RPG #2!
plus(Calming down) the fact that you have basicly screwed everything up by forcing us to control those key systems with h-fuel.
Plus, I did not BUILD a landing pad on manhatten, I bought an unused one that my leader already partially owned, but had to share it.
Like I said, change the resource system completely, you're screwing everything up with it.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
Freelancer Guild Master-Control your own faction RPG #2!
You had better, or else scrap the system for the people who don't use works or excel.
It doesn't work. I checked, it's in xlr format and my program won't even acknoladge it's existance. So, either fix the system so you don't need a spreadsheet to figure it out, or drop it altogether.
And why in the HELL is liberty declaring war on a guild COMPLETELY within it's rights. Everyone ought to be rising up and saying hell no to liberty, because we BOUGHT IT NOT TOOK IT OVER BY FORCE
Plus, we can go anywhere, anytime, and blend in with all the other freelancers out there, so why even bother trying to hunt my guild down? We'll just get aid from the rouges or somebody who isn't insane and out for blood to help us out until we get another base.
So quit ragging us and go bug some true pirates. Heck, you're cutting off an elite force that could really help you out if you attack us. Who does most of your anti-pirate work? Freelancers.
Who helps you out when you have a problem you can't get involved with openly? Freelancers.
Who are the ones who stop criminal bosses on your behalf? Freelancers.
Who are the ones you hire to defend your shipping? Freelancers.
So, by declaring war on me, you're crippling yourself.
Oh, and since this is at least day two of this as far as I know, anyone who hasn't posted needs to do so now because they are holding the whole thing up, and tomorrow, I will post weither anyone likes it or not. And if liberty continues to try and destroy me, I will move to Kusari or bretonia and begin actions to defend myself VILOLENTLY. Remember, many of the battleships once owned by liberty and rhineland were destroyed by a single freelancer in a hf. Imagine what you're up against should I decide to unleash my elite freelancers in their VHf's on you.
Oh, and the reason I let myself get vhfs is because I took into account the freelancers who joined up, plus the fact I had to trade in most of the pilot's fighters to cover the cost of the pad. Land ain't cheap in liberty.
Plus I should mention the biggest factor to my advantage in this. The freelancers have assisted ever corparation in liberty and the rest of the colonies. And the isntant you wrongfully attack freelancers is the instant the corparations all turn to you and say "Pick on them, and you pick on us all" just before opening fire with everything.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
Freelancer Guild Master-Control your own faction RPG #2!
Edited by - richardson on 10/31/2004 5:47:33 PM
It doesn't work. I checked, it's in xlr format and my program won't even acknoladge it's existance. So, either fix the system so you don't need a spreadsheet to figure it out, or drop it altogether.
And why in the HELL is liberty declaring war on a guild COMPLETELY within it's rights. Everyone ought to be rising up and saying hell no to liberty, because we BOUGHT IT NOT TOOK IT OVER BY FORCE
Plus, we can go anywhere, anytime, and blend in with all the other freelancers out there, so why even bother trying to hunt my guild down? We'll just get aid from the rouges or somebody who isn't insane and out for blood to help us out until we get another base.
So quit ragging us and go bug some true pirates. Heck, you're cutting off an elite force that could really help you out if you attack us. Who does most of your anti-pirate work? Freelancers.
Who helps you out when you have a problem you can't get involved with openly? Freelancers.
Who are the ones who stop criminal bosses on your behalf? Freelancers.
Who are the ones you hire to defend your shipping? Freelancers.
So, by declaring war on me, you're crippling yourself.
Oh, and since this is at least day two of this as far as I know, anyone who hasn't posted needs to do so now because they are holding the whole thing up, and tomorrow, I will post weither anyone likes it or not. And if liberty continues to try and destroy me, I will move to Kusari or bretonia and begin actions to defend myself VILOLENTLY. Remember, many of the battleships once owned by liberty and rhineland were destroyed by a single freelancer in a hf. Imagine what you're up against should I decide to unleash my elite freelancers in their VHf's on you.
Oh, and the reason I let myself get vhfs is because I took into account the freelancers who joined up, plus the fact I had to trade in most of the pilot's fighters to cover the cost of the pad. Land ain't cheap in liberty.
Plus I should mention the biggest factor to my advantage in this. The freelancers have assisted ever corparation in liberty and the rest of the colonies. And the isntant you wrongfully attack freelancers is the instant the corparations all turn to you and say "Pick on them, and you pick on us all" just before opening fire with everything.
Captain of the Kep Salu
Trekkie and proud of it!
Freelancer Guild Master-Control your own faction RPG #2!
Edited by - richardson on 10/31/2004 5:47:33 PM
You know, I'm getting sick and tired of your attitude.
No. I spent plenty of time on it already. Commodities are staying. If you don't like it, fine. Leave.
Did you ask DSQrn? No. Did you give him any money? No. Ergo he has every right to do whatever the hell he wants.
This RPG is not just about you. If everyone is going to have a good time everyone has to follow the rules and respect the other players. You aren't doing either.
If you're going to continue behaving as you are now, I won't have you and Kusari should kick you out as well, though that decision is up to vd. I'd just like you to know, though, that I was perfectly willing to give you landing rights within Bretonia, now I'm not so sure. Your self-centeredness and obvious sense of entitlement are beginning to piss me off.
Ypu are in no position to let youself get anything. If you want to do something outside of the basic RPG parameters/rules get Jacob to okay it first. If everyone start taking liberties as you have been the whole game will go straight to hell.
Who made you the spokesman for all corporations?
Oh, and lose the bloody sig. We get it already.
So, either fix the system so you don't need a spreadsheet to figure it out, or drop it altogether.
No. I spent plenty of time on it already. Commodities are staying. If you don't like it, fine. Leave.
And why in the HELL is liberty declaring war on a guild COMPLETELY within it's rights. Everyone ought to be rising up and saying hell no to liberty, because we BOUGHT IT NOT TOOK IT OVER BY FORCE
Did you ask DSQrn? No. Did you give him any money? No. Ergo he has every right to do whatever the hell he wants.
Oh, and since this is at least day two of this as far as I know, anyone who hasn't posted needs to do so now because they are holding the whole thing up, and tomorrow, I will post weither anyone likes it or not.
This RPG is not just about you. If everyone is going to have a good time everyone has to follow the rules and respect the other players. You aren't doing either.
And if liberty continues to try and destroy me, I will move to Kusari or bretonia...
If you're going to continue behaving as you are now, I won't have you and Kusari should kick you out as well, though that decision is up to vd. I'd just like you to know, though, that I was perfectly willing to give you landing rights within Bretonia, now I'm not so sure. Your self-centeredness and obvious sense of entitlement are beginning to piss me off.
Oh, and the reason I let myself get vhfs...
Ypu are in no position to let youself get anything. If you want to do something outside of the basic RPG parameters/rules get Jacob to okay it first. If everyone start taking liberties as you have been the whole game will go straight to hell.
And the isntant you wrongfully attack freelancers is the instant the corparations all turn to you and say "Pick on them, and you pick on us all" just before opening fire with everything.
Who made you the spokesman for all corporations?
Oh, and lose the bloody sig. We get it already.
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