If you offered me H-Fuel I might consider it. I believe I get 17 food per turn (15 if Bret accepts my proposal). The fact that you are a criminal organization is problematic though.
Wilde - You are not a Revolutionary faction. You can't research bombers. End of story. (Unless the rules have changed without anyone telling me)
Bret - I don't know if you'll read this but we still need to come up with some sort of way to deal with the commodities. Since you have a presence in Dublin, Leeds, Manchester and New London I'd say you can have half of all the resources produced there at a cost of, say, 15 credits per turn. (Where the amount is odd I get the bigger portion though, since I'm a house and you're just a puny corporation

I think this is fair...
New London - 1 Food, 2 Metals
Leeds - 3 Metals, 3 H-Fuel, 1 Food
Manchester - 2 Metals, 2 Water, 1 Oxygen
Dublin - 8 Metals, 1 Oxygen
Totals - 2 Food, 3 H-Fuel, 15 Metals, 2 Oxygen, 2 Water
Anyone who cares - Bretonia needs more H-Fuel. We only get 13/10 per turn and are looking to trade for more. Any interested parties, please contact me.
Edited by - Codename on 11/1/2004 8:45:55 AM