Here is an idea...
Each player picks a faction, starting with the first to join, then the next, etc.
House (Liberty, Rheinland, Bretonia, Kusari -note, includes ENTIRE house, not just military.)
Major Faction: (BHG, Outcasts, Corsairs, Hessians, Dragons, Junkers, Hogosha, GMG, IMG, Zoners)
Minor Faction (All rest)
Depending on the type, each player gets a certain amount of credits. They then buy ships, build bases, etc. in their systems. This build is instant, but the rest are not. The bought items may be placed in any system controlled by that faction.
Buyable items:
Capital Ship Shipyard (Like Baltimore)
Fighter Shipyard (Like Tripoli or Ft. Bush)
Large Station (Like Newark, Bush, or Kyoto)
Small Station (Like West Point, Sheffield, or Mactan)
Terraform Planet
Explore Party (To explore deep space for new systems.)
Research Project (After approval by a judge, you may pay for a project to create a new technology. This takes three turns to complete.)
Prices vary per faction, due to resources.
Then, the game starts. Turns are now regular, and here are the steps in a regular turn:
1. Place Units- Units may be placed from last turn.
2. Purchase Units- Units may be bought and paid for using last turn’s income, but not placed.
3. Alliance/Trade Agreement Offers- Players may offer each other alliances or trade agreements (trading commodities from one base owned by one faction, to a base owned by another.)
4. Move Units/Declare Battles- You may move your units up to two systems. Declare any battles. Battles are frozen (no units in or out of the system, unless the attacker withdraws)
5. Calculate your new income. (Add any trade agreements, or any other income to your base.)
I will update more later...