OK, after a long wait, killa is finally back. I have been experiencing computer problems and do not know if it will happen again, causing me to take extended absences. But without further ado, the last and final part of my Starlancer fanfic.....
Coalition vs. Alliance Pt. 3: Caught in the Crossfire
"You disobeyed a direct order! I should demote you to the rank of a recruit, I don't know how you even became a general in the first place. You are just irresponsible Rockford. I ought' have you kicked off the Alliance Navy for that stunt you pulled back there. But because we are at an all-out war with the Coalition is the only thing that saved your sorry hide!" Commander Enriguez yelled into Aticias's face. Although she was right about him disobeying a direct order, he still felt like he saved thousands of lives.
When it appeared Commander Enriguez was done yelling at him, he got up to leave. But before he had a chance, one of his wingmen walked into the room and faced her.
"Commander Enriguez, Raoul Jakarta, I am also known as 'Sadono' on the Ronian Wing. I have come here because I really don't think you should blame Mr. Rockford for what he did. I agree with you that it was wrong for him to disobey a direct order like he did, but he saved almost one million lives." Sadono said sternly.
"Well then, what would you suggest I do with him, hum? Make him Commander Rockford? Or better yet, how about president of the Alliance. How does that sound to you Jakarta?" She said in a hissing voice. When he did not respond she continued, "Maybe I should turn him over to the Coalition, let them deal with him. Or, you could put on a space suit and be attached to the Yamato with a cable, and we jump out and fling you toard the sun! How does that sound?" She said, almost smiling.
Just before she was about to go off again, a man came running into the room. "Commander Enriguez, we have detected five Coalition Cruisers heading for the Yamato. They will be here in less than a minute, where do you want us to jump to.?" She thought hard for a moment, then looked up at the man. "Take us to Pluto." Aticias stood up to leave, but Commander Enriguez stopped him. "I'm not done with you yet Rockford. You just stay right where you are!" She hissed.
"Commander, the Coalition Cruisers are jumping in right now!" The man said, looking out the window. Aticias stood up again and headed for the door, when Commander Enriguez held up her hand again, he ignored it and kept on walking. "Aticias Rockford!" She yelled behind him, but did not follow. "I'm going out there and risking my life to save your sorry hide! If those cruisers launch torpedos and we don't have time to jump out, were all dead! The least you could say is good luck. Now, I'm going weather you like it or not! Unless you can stop me yourself, I'm going." He said calmly and ran to the docking bay.
When he reached the docking bay, he climbed into his Predator and fired up the engines. After he was in space, he engaged the nearest fighter, killing him in under a minute. Right before he took out another fighter, an extremely large ship jumped in. It was clear that it was Coalition, but he had never seen a ship so big in all of his life. The words on the side read
Coalition Juggernutt Shinron , with the "Sword and Snake" logo on the side.
The Yamato's Jump Drive engines were now 85% charged, and was almost ready to jump out. Before they had a chance to jump out, the Coalition Juggernutt's massive front cannon began to spin, and after spinning for a few seconds, a blue glow began to surround it. It fired the front cannon, and destroyed the Yamato with one shot, leaving the Alliance solders just confounded. Before anyone had a chance to react, it fired again on the Victorias. One shot destroyed it's left docking bay, and damaged it badly.
But it was far from over, for the Juggernutt prepared to fire again. When it did, the Victorias went up in an amazing explosion. Both the Yamato and the Victorias were now gone, the two capital ships for the Alliance Navy. And now, their chances of becoming victorious over the Coalition were now slim to none. Aticias, with vengeance in his heart, began to fire at the bridge of the Shinron with all that his ship could offer. He fired all of his Jackhammers and began to fire his front cannons, but all of his effort was in vain.
When the wing of Alliance cruisers jumped in that the Yamato was expecting, the Juggernutt fired on them. Three of the five Cruisers went down instantly, another was severely damaged. The order came over the radio for all remaining Alliance personnel to jump out to Pluto while they still could, but Aticias refused. After a moment, he was all that remained, and he was not going down without a fight. He launched his Afterburner Fuel Pod at the bridge, destroying it almost instantly. But the bridge was not the only command deck on the Shinron, and the large ship remained under control.
It fired it's front cannons again at the Cruisers, and Aticias was right in the crossfire. The large blue beam struck his ship, and the heat became unbearable. He was surrounded by blue light, and his life had been relatively short, only 34 years. His cockpit window cracked, and shattered. The pressure and heat was immense, and all went dark, then light, blessed light.
And so on this day, almost two thousand Alliance solders were killed. Among them were Commander Jessica Enriguez, Raoul Jakarta, and Aticias Rockford. But their legend does not end here, for Aticias had a son, his name was Aticias Rockford II. Although he was not yet born, and his mother only three months pregnant, the legend of the Rockfords will live on..........
caught by the surprise at the end? Thought so.... anyway, this is by no means the end of my story. I am planing for it to span over three generations and 98 years. I will continue when I get the chance, but it might be a few days. Although this marks the end of Coalition vs. Alliance, I am planning two more parts for it. And I promise you, the next parts will be longer...much longer

. As to when I will have the next saga ready, I still have no idea, but it should be within a week or so.....
and sorry for the long wait. But I am hoping my scheduel will stay seady from now on.