Okay, next chapter, for those who have read this story.
September 5, 1123 AS, Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor System
I am sitting here relaxing at the Order base at Toledo. After I had left Omega, I went to Bretonia. Dublin, particulary. I knew of a Molly base there, and I wanted to go learn more about the OAC, and find out if there was any way I could stop it.
In Dublin, I found the base. I had to fly through a thick minefield to get to it, but it wasn't the first time I had been in a minefield. I docked with the base. Inside, I pretended to be an ordinary freelancer, just passing through. As long as my rep was good enough, the Mollys didn't really care. They let me stay and rest there.
I waited a long time. Finally, it was the hour in which everyone on the base was asleep. I left my room, quietly, and walked through the halls of the base. I was in luck. No one was awake, and the Mollys felt no need to post guards inside their own base.
I walked around until I found the offices. There were only a few, with crowded conditions on a station, only officers with the highest of rank could have an office. I went into the central office. On the door it read, 'Alexander Drake, Overall Stategic Command'. This seemed like it belonged to the highest-ranking officer for sure. It was huge. A giant desk dominated the room. On it was a huge computer system and a pile of papers. I was shocked. I had thought the Mollys were small-time pirates, struggling against Bretonia for their mere existence! Man was I wrong! I went up to the desk and looked through the pile of papers. Drake seemed to be a disorganized person, the papers were strewn all over. That could work to my advantage. I looked through the pile of papers, and found a few that pertained to the OAC. Working quickly, I grabbed them and went over to the small paper-copier in the corner. I activated it and put the papers in, one by one. I took the copies and put them into my pocket. Then I replaced the originals, right where they belonged. Then I went back to my room.
The next morning, I got in my ship and left the base, and the Dublin system. I went all the way to the Sigma systems, where I found the jump gate that Hewman had told me about. This was the way to the Omicron Minor system. I took it, and arrived in a strange place. A huge asteroid field covered the entire system, and near me was a planet. I landed.
On the surface, I found a small outpost. I landed on one of the pads out in front of the base. I walked into the bar. I asked the bartender about who ran the base.
"That would be Jim."
"Where can I find him?"
"His office is right down the hall."
I went to where the bartender had told me. I found an office. On the door was a sign that read, 'Jim Tera, Base Commander'. I went inside. Inside, there was a man sitting at a computer station.
"Mr. Tera?"
"Call me Jim, and yes, that would be me. What do you need?"
"I have something for you."
"Oh really? Well, let me have a look."
I showed him the documents form the Molly base.
"Interesting. Come back in an hour, and I will tell you what you need to do."
Puzzled, I walked out.
Fortunatly, there was quite a lot to do at the base. First stop, the bar. After guzzling down three of the Order specialties, Osiris Flamers, I went on to the equipment shop. Then, I went back to Jim's office.
"Welcome back. I have an assignment for you."
"I have analized these documents, and there seems to be a transport, carrying all of the top OAC leaders, that will arrive at the Hawaii in five hours. I want you, along with an Order strike team, to go and take out the transport, before it can reach the Hawaii. It will be armed and guarded, but I'm sure that it won't be too difficult for a pilot of your caliber."
"No problem."
"Good. Now, I understand that you have personal reasons to destroy that ship, so I will order my pilots to let you destroy the transport."
"How'd you find out about that?"
"Mr. Hewman told me about you. Now, do you accept this mission?"
"You bet I do!"
"Good, be ready to launch in an hour, your escorts will meet you in space."
One hour later, I met the Order ships in space.
"Mr. Lamb, this is Lieutenant Dan Peters, welcome to our wing."
"Thank you Lieutenant, I'm glad to be here."
"Let's head out, then."
Two hours later, we arrived, and took up a position near the Hawaii.
"We have two hours to spend before the transport arrives."
During those hours, we talked, and I got to know the pilots well. This was the Order's elite Orillion Wing, named after the founder of the group. Orillion Leader, Dan Peters, was formally a Liberty officer, before he joined the Order. Orillion 2, Xavier Chavez, had formally been a Corsair, before he became dis-satisfied with them. Orillion 3, Lucy Duckworth, was from Bretonia. Orillion 4, Chad Suzuki, was from Kusari.
After what seemed like an eternity, I picked up a convoy coming in.
"We've got company!" I cried over the comm.
"Roger, I'm picking up one transport and an unidentified number of fighters," said Peters.
"One, two, three, four... lets see... Oh damn, they are too closely clustered, I can't count them!" said Duckworth.
"Wait! Now they are seperating!" I said.
"Oh my God! There must be two full squadrons!" said Suzuki.
Indeed there was. Two squadrons of Sabre fighters stood between us and accomplishing our mission.
"There's just too many, we cannot survive!" said Chavez.
"We can't bail now!" I said, "We have to finish this!"
I charged the convoy. The wing reluctantly followed.
Almost there! I was getting close to them, and they ignored me. I targeted the transport. It was well armored, but I fired anyways.
"Hey what are you doing! Fighters, engage that ship!"
It quickly took a turn for the worse. The Sabres were well-armed, and the five of us stood little chance.
"This is two! I have enemies on my tail! My sheild is down! ARGGGG!"
"Two, this is Leader, do you copy?"
"He's gone." I said.
After two was lost, it started to look grim. I had taken out two of the Sabres, but there were just too many. Peters, Duckworth, and myself were doing okay, but Suzuki was hurt bad.
"I've got four on my tail! I can't shake 'em! NO! I can't hold it! AHHHH!"
An explosion. Suzuki was no more.
"Mr. Lamb, we have to turn back, we cannot win!"
"NO! I will not leave here empty handed!"
"Mr. Lamb!"
"NEVER! I'll die here! You get out of here!"
"You must come with us!"
"I can't, this is my last chance to avenge my family!"
"Well, we can't stay. Goodbye Mr. Lamb!"
"Tell them what happened to me! Tell them that these people must be defeated!"
"I will, for your sake!"
The two burning Order ships flew off towards the jumphole.
None of the Sabres followed them, they swarmed me.
My shields gone, I turned on the transport, releasing a barrage of fire on it. For once in my life, I had no hope left. My only consolence was that it would end here, at the gates of doom. I would not be going there alone, however, I would take the OAC with me.
Edited by - ww2jacob on 9/4/2004 12:48:41 PM
Edited by - ww2jacob on 11/16/2004 8:26:07 PM
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Child of Sirius, The Story of Robert Lamb
Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe
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Here we are, the next, and last, chapter!
I charged at the transport. My guns opened up and chiseled away at its hull. My ship was shot up bad. A dozen Sabres were right on my tail. There was no way I could take out the transport before I was destroyed. There were just too many of them. I braced for the explosion that was sure to come.
"I'm sorry Mom and Dad!" I cried out.
But no explosion and no flaming death.
"Mr. Lamb, we are here to help!"
"Who is this?"
"This is Martin Hewman. I have come with the Omicron Brigade and three wings of Corsairs to help you!"
"How did you know?
"I talked to Tera."
"All fighters, engage the Outcasts! Protect Mr. Lamb!"
I engaged the transport with a renewed vigor. With the Hessians and Corsairs engaging the Sabres, I was free to attack the transport. My guns ripped through its hull. After my third pass, the transport burst into flames! I took in the escape pods. My family was finally avenged! My mission was finally accomplished!
The entire force escorted me back to Toledo. There, I found Peters and Duckworth, who were amazed to see me alive. I turned my prisoners in to Tera. He was very pleased to see the prisoners, and even more pleased to see me.
September 9, 1123 AS, Planet Manhattan, New York System
Well, here I am, back where it all started. This will be the last entry in this log. I am sitting here in the bar, waiting for a girl to meet me. I met her in space yesterday. She was trying to arrest me! Yeah, I guess bringing back those artifacts from the Hawaii wasn't the greatest idea. Anyway, I outran her, barely. She was a good pilot. So, I invited her on a date when we landed. At first, she thought I was joking. But then, she caught on, and forgot about the artifacts altogether!
Anyway, it feels good to be back on Manhattan. I moved back into my parent's old house. My Ravenclaw is sitting right next to my parents' old ships. If I ever have a son, I'm going to teach him to fly it, just as my father taught me how to fly his. Fortunately, I had a few million credits left over, so I'll be living the high life for a while. Even while relaxing here, I will never forget my time among the stars. Piloting my ship through perils, and coming out on top, my adventures were the most fun I have ever had.
The End.
Thanks for reading this story!!!

Edited by - ww2jacob on 9/7/2004 4:32:43 PM
Edited by - ww2jacob on 11/16/2004 8:27:28 PM

I charged at the transport. My guns opened up and chiseled away at its hull. My ship was shot up bad. A dozen Sabres were right on my tail. There was no way I could take out the transport before I was destroyed. There were just too many of them. I braced for the explosion that was sure to come.
"I'm sorry Mom and Dad!" I cried out.
But no explosion and no flaming death.
"Mr. Lamb, we are here to help!"
"Who is this?"
"This is Martin Hewman. I have come with the Omicron Brigade and three wings of Corsairs to help you!"
"How did you know?
"I talked to Tera."
"All fighters, engage the Outcasts! Protect Mr. Lamb!"
I engaged the transport with a renewed vigor. With the Hessians and Corsairs engaging the Sabres, I was free to attack the transport. My guns ripped through its hull. After my third pass, the transport burst into flames! I took in the escape pods. My family was finally avenged! My mission was finally accomplished!
The entire force escorted me back to Toledo. There, I found Peters and Duckworth, who were amazed to see me alive. I turned my prisoners in to Tera. He was very pleased to see the prisoners, and even more pleased to see me.
September 9, 1123 AS, Planet Manhattan, New York System
Well, here I am, back where it all started. This will be the last entry in this log. I am sitting here in the bar, waiting for a girl to meet me. I met her in space yesterday. She was trying to arrest me! Yeah, I guess bringing back those artifacts from the Hawaii wasn't the greatest idea. Anyway, I outran her, barely. She was a good pilot. So, I invited her on a date when we landed. At first, she thought I was joking. But then, she caught on, and forgot about the artifacts altogether!
Anyway, it feels good to be back on Manhattan. I moved back into my parent's old house. My Ravenclaw is sitting right next to my parents' old ships. If I ever have a son, I'm going to teach him to fly it, just as my father taught me how to fly his. Fortunately, I had a few million credits left over, so I'll be living the high life for a while. Even while relaxing here, I will never forget my time among the stars. Piloting my ship through perils, and coming out on top, my adventures were the most fun I have ever had.
The End.
Thanks for reading this story!!!

Edited by - ww2jacob on 9/7/2004 4:32:43 PM
Edited by - ww2jacob on 11/16/2004 8:27:28 PM
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