Post Tue May 02, 2006 1:19 pm

Discovery''s Angels

Discovery's Angels Organization

Server: Discovery 24/7

Organization Tag [The_Angels

We are looking for all female Freelancer Players! Spread the word!

Who we are:

The Angels are women blessed with good looks, brains and superior flying skills.
We call ourselves [The Angels.

We are here to help newbies, freelancers and factions alike.

Systems Claimed:

We claim no systems though we have strategically placed depots in Bering and Kepler.


We are Neutral to ALL Factions. This cannot be stressed enough.

Current Members:





What we do:

Most newbies cannot help but feel intimidated. It's especially scary when you launch from Manhattan into the midst of five high-ranking players, all bearing factions tags and flying HUGE ships.

If a newbie asks for start up money or help with something, we would appreciate it if you refer the newbie to us and we can help him on his way. And no, we will not be giving 100 million credits to a newbie to buy a battleship.

We will also be escorts for these newbies to help them buy a VHF or a small cargo ship, or any other reasonably priced ship. For those who want a VHF, we will advise them as to where the best money can be made doing missions. And for those who would like to be traders we can point them in the right direction as well. Doing trade runs and missions helps build character and skill.

For newbies/freelancers that want to test their fighting skills, we will meet them in Connecticut and do just that. We will advise on gun set ups, armor upgrades and other miscellaneous things.

For those not wanting to be freelancers and wishing to join a faction, we will explain all the different factions and how to align their reputations to match those of the faction in question.

So, basically, we will try to help however we can.

We are also an employment agency:

All factions need new (or i'm sure would at least like some more) recruits. Let's say your faction needs/wants new pilots to fill in your ranks. Rather than taking time out of your busy schedule, you can contract with us to find newbies--or freelancers ready to move to a faction--train them and hand them over as respectable and capable pilots. There will be a one to two week grace period, wherein, said pilots prove themselves loyal and worthy to their superiors. After the grace period the Angels will receive a nominal head hunters fee. In the event of a war, all head hunting will cease.

We are an employment agency, we are recruiters, we are generous, helpful and informative; we are the Angels.

It's a great server and community.

Please contact me for further information or if you'd like to join [The_Angels


Edited by - Caylith on 5/2/2006 2:19:23 PM