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Global Ranking ???

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Post Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:40 am

Global Ranking ???

Ahoy...ahm i dont really understand how the global rankings work.
My clan is typed [Chaos , so if i make a char with -=[Chaos>Name< it wont show up as a member of [Chaos clan...quite simple.
But sometimes my clan shows up on List and then it just dissapears and shows up a few days later again...?
I´d like to know how it works and what i have to do to put my clan in there...
Anyone, plz help
with Regards
Mörser out (ps...i think this is wrong topic...sry guys)
and btw why is just one of those [ things here...

Edited by - [ChaosMörser on 9/25/2005 5:42:19 AM

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:11 pm

the operator of the server or i think has to send a email to the person runing the global rankings. thats what i think cause that what to me i made clans but did tell him so when i look at global rankings it says member of clan goa'uld but when i click on where it says number of clans on server it says i dont have any i could be wrong you know.

Post Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:21 pm

A clan needs to have 5 or more active members before it'll appear on the list. All the members of the clan must have exactly the same tag, e.g. {BOB} and -=BOB=- are different. Ask you server admin if you need to have your name changed.

Cheers, Cryo.

Cryogenius - Author of FLstat v1.4 and the Global Player Rankings

Edited by - Cryogenius on 1/17/2006 10:20:58 PM

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