Sat Oct 02, 2004 11:21 am by Outcast 1-1 AKA Talon
Oregon PvP + FLCD is the home of the Shadow Titan clan. No, we dont fly Titans anymore. The server is a good one with anti-cheat software (you need to download FLCD to make the server run well) and all SP jumpholes open, like the New Berlin-Sigma 13, Sigma 13-Chugoku. Alaska and Tohoku are also open, althogh Tohoku just has 2 Stations and Alaska has Nomads.
But anyway, we wont be on that server for long. Shadow Titans are moving to the new WarUnleashed mod server, once the mod is completed (estimate late 2004-early 2005). The clan will feature in the Mod, having a couple of systems and at least 5 Ships of our own.