Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:02 am by Mini_Me
Navigate (in UTF edit) down to the "texture library" then blahblah.tga, then it will either list a MIPS (.dds) or MIP0 (mip zero) (.tga). If you click the MIPS or MIP0, you can confirm, as it will list on the right side in the ASCII box as dds or..not dds. So select the MIPS, then choose "export" and name it, with the same type of extension. Easiest always to use dds imo, even if the old file was tga - no flipping this way and that before importing again.
K so you've edited in your snagged copy of photoshop (shame on you) and re-save to disk, simply open UTF edit again, nav to the file ya got it from, find its entry again, and this time choose "import", save, done. <span style="text-decoration: underline">If you change from targa to dds, make sure you change the entry MIP0 to MIPS</span>.