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Privateer: The Reckoning MOD Beta 2.3 Feedback

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 1:25 am

Other than the fact that you may have a bad download, ot because I had WinZip set to SUPER-MAX compression, which causes a lot of problems if you don't have that capability.

Hole in Head:
I know about the crashes...
I've narrowed them down to a bad ship file.
It's definately a ship, but there's 24 ships, with 3 files each.
Whichever ship is causing it, it randomly appears, and boom, a crash!

Hole in Head:
When the planets stop rotating, you've encountered a bug.
Which means a crash is imminent.
The problem with adding more music is getting it, and they're very large files.
I had to break this mod into 2 pieces to upload it.

The Orion is set up according to official stats, but I'll tweak it.
Knew about the weapon's not firing, I'm not a modeler, so they'll get to it.
In the last installment (v1.06) everyone complained how weak the missiles & torpedoes were.
Already fixed the loot.
I've tried fixing the no missions problem before, but it caused a lot of bugs, I'll check it out again.
Well, the Hellcat had to go somewhere!

Watch your 6!

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 1:41 am

So Far so good i've encounted no bugs so far and the only promblem i had was taking on the Rhineland attack of willard in a galaxy.
(idea i keep seeing pop up is the ship class sheilds)
Also whats the differents if any between Civ Generator and Border World Generator. looking at the info card i can stop at gen 4 and get the same power from the last. please tell me this is a info card messup and not the real deal.

Also to those reading DO NOT USE the best afterburner on a epee i bought it and shortly there-after needed to be scraped off a roid.

Besides the gens everything is good here. now if you excuse me theres some retros(xenos) that need to Suck Void
P.S. Just bought my Banshee and did a mission she's a dream..only 1 problem.
She can't land Anywhere even with the ghost docking ring she can't dock at any station/planet. would like to know whats wrong with my ship

When the Going's get Tough, The Tough get a bigger Battleboat.
"Shotglass moments before the Tiger's claw blew up"
You Look a bit down on yer lucky,..Ya Don't say well Heres a drink for yas and don't worry bout how ya lost yer girl.
"alright we'll give you once chance drop it"..."you just signed your ow...*zoid sucking sound* And you just signed off life due to my nomad blasters silly xeno.
Ok if i am to Die by the Weapons i adore...then why does he have mass drivers and tacyon, when I adore Proton Tropedos Tacyon and Neutrons?..Silly Retro missiles are for kids, Ceturnions on the other hand Are For ME to make YOU suck VOID!
Sanity is the Thin line between Real Life and Fantasy, Insanity means you fell off the line.

Edited by - Shotglass_Da_Barkeepa on 4/22/2004 3:28:54 AM

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 3:10 am


delete the complete freelancer folder in c:\my files\my games directory. That should fix the problem

/ Life is a big sandcake... slowly crumbling - BoH_Havoc /

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:23 am

Let me start by saying im a long tme reader, first time poster, and warzog ive been folowing this mod since before bob came back from his hidey hole. anyways, i can easily tweak the .cmp files to fix the misangled guns on the different ships, ive actually already done it on my home comp on a few, the sabre, hellcat and gladius, if youd like i can fix the rest and upload to the reactor so you can grab it and add it back in to the next version

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:44 am

heh, of course you can play with cmp files, but they will be overriden in my update, so all changes you will make a temporary...

and please, leave my beloved Hellcat alone it is Confed's baseline fighter... I love it, although I always took the thunderbolt, which has enough punch to kill a small cap ships with its 6 guns.

Speaking of heavy fighters... expect the Excalibur very soon (retexture is needed before importing it into the game)

Wing Commander Saga
Wing Commander Saga Forum
~Project Head of the "Wing Commander Saga: Battlegroup Serpent" Project
I still loveWing Commander. Given the right opportunity, I would definitely revisit it." - Chris Roberts.

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:15 am

Speaking of heavy fighters... expect the Excalibur very soon (retexture is needed before importing it into the game)


P.S. Just bought my Banshee and did a mission she's a dream..only 1 problem.
She can't land Anywhere even with the ghost docking ring she can't dock at any station/planet. would like to know whats wrong with my ship

Well the patch fixed this and Vindicators problem, so try that.

Say had Particle Cannon in WC/Priv the longest range? I allways thought it was Tachyon Cannon that had the longest range.

"history abhors a paradox"
"There’s a little going-away present, ’cause you’re going away — permanently!"

Edited by - GreyViper on 4/22/2004 6:25:31 AM

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:39 am

ah come on tolwyn, all it needs is just a single node fix and the guns work fine 8) just copy the orientation from the corresponding hardpoint on the other side and your all set, no messing required. oh, and a bug report, mornigstars missile mounts are off the model, not very critical just thought youd like to know

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:45 am

another thing i just remembered, knowing that engine upgrades were not available in priv/rf are ther plans to add that side of things to the reckoning? also i remembered that another mod, i think it was rebalance, had other kinds of upgrades aside from base shield and generator upgrades, like ones that lower shield downtime (i know with current regen stats not a big deal but might be changed after bugs are worked out) or decrease thruster drain etc. any plans to add those?

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:13 am

The Generator stats are all wrong-already fixed for v2.4
The Border Worlds Generator is better.

There is a warning about the Super Afterburner for that very reason!!!

The Banshee landing problem can be fixed with the patch in the download section.

You can also just email them to me.

Here's the table I used:
Weapon Damage Refire Energy Speed Lifetime Power Abuse
------ ------ ------ ------ ----- -------- ----- -----
Laser 2.0 cm 0.30 s 4 GJ 1400 kps 3.40 s 13.33 GW 370
Mass Driver 2.6 cm 0.35 s 5 GJ 1100 kps 3.40 s 14.29 GW 380
Meson Blaster 3.2 cm 0.40 s 8 GJ 1300 kps 3.40 s 20.00 GW 390
Neutron Gun 6.2 cm 0.65 s 16 GJ 960 kps 3.40 s 24.62 GW 450
Particle Cannon 4.3 cm 0.50 s 11 GJ 1000 kps 3.40 s 22.00 GW 400
Tachyon Cannon 5.0 cm 0.40 s 8 GJ 1250 kps 3.40 s 20.00 GW 470
Ionic Pulse 5.4 cm 0.60 s 15 GJ 1200 kps 3.40 s 25.00 GW 430
Plasma Gun 7.2 cm 0.72 s 19 GJ 940 kps 3.40 s 26.39 GW 500
Plasma Gun RF 8.5 cm 0.65 s 17 GJ 940 kps 3.40 s 26.15 GW 500
Fusion Cannon 6.6 cm 0.50 s 11 GJ 1350 kps 3.40 s 22.00 GW 470

After v1.06, I reworked them to follow FL a bit closer.
May have to rework them again.

I tried Engine Upgrades earlier...
Only problem being that you can only upgrade when you buy a new ship, or lose your engine.
FL doesn't allow you to trade engines.

Currently, shield down time is 1 second, it's normally 12 seconds in FL.
If I went to 0 seconds, the shields never go down, and you never do damage to an enemy's ship!

I lowered the Thruster Drain in v1.06, but everyone complained, so I boosted it.

Pulled an all-nighter...
I've checked 15 of the 24 ships...
Still haven't found the one causing the crashes!
But I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not so much the ship file, as it is where I used it.
The Drone replacing the Nomad Fighter...
The Paradigm replacing the gunboats, etc.
I need some sleep!
'Til later...
Watch your 6!

Edited by - warzog on 4/22/2004 7:21:56 AM

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:20 am

is it possible to have an add on that increases base engine speed without replacing the engine? if so we could just have a single base engine and then a whole raft of upgrade addon thingies. i think this should be possible, but with my luck it probably wont work

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:24 am

I really don't know.
Bob McDob is the add-on expert...
He's the one who came up with the armor upgrades!!!

Watch your 6!

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:48 am

something just hit me warzog, most of the CTD in trade lanes have been with ships that have a certain style of exhaust nozzle, is it possible that the placement of the nozzles and their interaction with the trade lane particle effects cause the crashes?

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:09 am

Thanks for all the replies Warzog! I've always appreciated regular updates, and you've gone beyond that! GJ!

I dunno if this helps, but I went around this thread and looked up the posts that had something to do with trade lane CTDs. Here's the list I got.

Centurion- Norfolk to Texas
Epee- Hamberg to berlin, then to first tradelane. also CTD when circumvent tradelane and dock at dortmund
Arrow- Norfolk to Texas
Stiletto- Norfolk to Texas
Unknown ship- Freeport 4 to Manchester
Unknown ship- Tradelanes in Kepler, launch from montezuma base in Cortez

Hope this helps.

Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:12 am


Post Thu Apr 22, 2004 9:14 am

i have another bug for warzog

this one has to do with factions... makes it impossible to tell which faction is which- apparantley they were not all switched, for example in bars a faction goes under one name, but in space they go under another, so far have only found this with the outcasts and liberty navy, will keep checking

DSI Industries

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