ROFL - as it stands... In my the ILLUSION of having a DYNAMIC and LIVING universe works nicely...
But of course somebody has to point out the universe is not LIVING....
Come on, can't you see your arguments are insane...? No - the universe is not TOTALLY DYNAMIC and not TOTALLY LIVING (the latter would be a miracle - a living universe inside your PC - oh man..)
But you have ATC, you have chatter in the universe, you have tons of people going to and from places, you have a very nicly thought out universe. These things make for me an illusion of a living, dynamic world, where I have a role to play...
It's like I said earlier in another thread: If sit down watching a movie with the purpose of finding flaws, there is an about 0% chance that you will enjoy the movie!
Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief,
The Lancers Reactor