Sat Aug 16, 2003 1:47 am by pressgod
Well, Well, Well, I see this subject has come again to the front lines of space.
The kill engine slide is one of the best moves you can do no matter if in SP or MP mode, as it allows you to literally blast past whom ever is harrasing you or chasing you. All the while your weapons will still be active unlike when in cruise mode. This alone is reason enough to use it but lets look at an example.
It takes a little practice and timing to perfect, So lets say you are in cruise mode and suddenly ahead of you are 3 or so enemy ships. If you hit Kill engine (Z) you will stay at 300 and your weapons are active, so why not send some missles and mines plus guns at them (this also adds the to the damage they do because of the speed), then as you pass quickly turn your ship and fire some more at them up their tail pipes. You will be flying backwards at @290K about now but no matter because, Now they will have to turn around by using their engines to come after you and you will have the drop on them and will take them out no problem. Your ship will litterally turn on a dime in kill engine mode allowing you to get them before they get you. Use your thrusters to come up behind them and kill them all. As you can blast around in thruster mode at a higher speed than those using engines alone you can miss being hit by most things.
I love to freight as money is the root of all evil and I fly around in a really evil shipping lane. This trick has saved me and my cargo more times than I care to admit. I also love using the best mines money can buy as if you do get jumped from behind you can give them a little "gift" before you hit Z and thrust away from them before turning around to give them what for, all the while flying backwards away from the problem. And facing your enemy with all you can give them is sweet revenge for them messing with you to begin with.
Just be careful where you use this trick as heavy asteroid/Ice fields can be a difficult place to negotiate and if you are drifting around without your engines and you will hit everything but the lottery! Don't say I didn't warn you! In most combat situations it can give you an edge if done right. I suggest you start off slowly with lesser targets in Liberty space and work your way up.
I fly almost exclusively using the thrusters between trade lanes as It allows you to travel at a higher speed than engines, just keep bumping your thrust button quickly and you will not run out of thruster power ever.
Just some thoughts from the edge of space!