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Freelancer versus Starlancer
This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!
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I've never played Starlancer, but looking at the info here, it has good graphics (great for a 3-year-old game) and really cool ship design. And I like how it's the Alliance versus the Coalition. So who here is a fan of SL? Is SL still fun, or does FL beat it in all respects? I'm wondering if it's worth tracking down a copy somewhere.
Its a different experience. Freelancer was very linear but wicked with a joystick. Good combat missions and a little story. Freelancer is non linear and mouse controlled. One thing SL has over FL is co-op multiplayer story which my friends enjoyed alot.
If Your Trading Your Cheating. Cause Real Men Make Money Killing.
If Your Trading Your Cheating. Cause Real Men Make Money Killing.
Did Starlancer feature the no-inertia ability (engines disengaged) in battle?
I used to play a lot of Asteroids, then spacewar, and later Star Control (1-3). I enjoy doing that kind of thing in three dimensions.
It would be interesting if they had added gravity effects around the planets, especially if you could use slingshot maneuvers around gravity wells (as in spacewar and StarControl).
I used to play a lot of Asteroids, then spacewar, and later Star Control (1-3). I enjoy doing that kind of thing in three dimensions.
It would be interesting if they had added gravity effects around the planets, especially if you could use slingshot maneuvers around gravity wells (as in spacewar and StarControl).
I found Starlancer to be a much more enjoyable game. Graphics were darker (like I guessing space should look like) ships had a much better design (FL ships are ug-o-ly) technology was better (cloaking tech was aparently ok 800 some years ago, but not in the FL time frame), mission breifings and ship loadout before missions is very cool in SL, and thanks to this web site, you can download ships into the game till your hearts content. SW, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica......hmm, guess I should reload SL.
Alliance Fire & Rescue
Alliance Fire & Rescue
Did Starlancer feature the no-inertia ability (engines disengaged) in battle?
uhm well, no.
but inertia was a imporant factor for turning rate, with huge ships like the phoenix you had to take its inertia into account for turns, you had a less direkt controll over the ship and slided more in turns.
Aswell acceleration and deceleration takes in sl innertia into account.
And, you had reverse thrust at the best ships.
Which means no circle duells. A 180 degree turn was matter a merly second.
You could aswell fly backwards and attack targets in front of you, hide in astoriods, use them as cover ... SL had for sure its flaws, but the basic flight model, ship design and phyisk engine was far better the one of FL.
FL is in all those points inferior and more arcadish.
Ah shame that we had in sl not those possiblitys for moding like we have in fl, it would have been the halflife of spacesims. And we all would play lancer strike and natural lancer now

Sl did have cooler looking ships. The HF's were the most unique...hehe, loved the WW2 bomber look of the Reaper and Wolverine. Then the Phoenix and its oh-so-cool Nova cannon, the Shroud and its cloaking, the agile little Naginata...And unguided rocket pods. Every self-respecting sim game needs unguided rocket pods.
And for sheer coolness, you just can't beat that attack on the way to get revenge for all the torp-hunts you end up doing.
Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless
Edited by - NukeIt on 18-05-2003 23:28:49
And for sheer coolness, you just can't beat that attack on the way to get revenge for all the torp-hunts you end up doing.

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless
Edited by - NukeIt on 18-05-2003 23:28:49
i miss SL alot, i gave my CD's to my pals so he could play it.. then he moved w/ the cd's
. so ill be spending another $2 on another copy, i just loved the storyline and the music was kinda cool. im a big SL fan. and was somewhat dissapointed that there wasn't a sequel or expansion for it
( meaning SL2... not FL.. unless u count FL as a sequel).
Phoenix out
PS: don't you just love it when those idiots say they're going to kill you then 2sec. later... well, they aren't there... i can promise you they didn't cloak either
... in a way they did though... cause i couldn't see them anymore...
"Mess with the viper, and you'll get it's fangs" Blood Dragons

Phoenix out
PS: don't you just love it when those idiots say they're going to kill you then 2sec. later... well, they aren't there... i can promise you they didn't cloak either

"Mess with the viper, and you'll get it's fangs" Blood Dragons
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