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"sectionmodify" - the new method in v1.4

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the ?Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM)? for activating/deactivating Mods for Freelancer

Post Sat May 21, 2005 3:51 pm

"sectionmodify" - the new method in v1.4

"sectionmodify" is the new "enhanced" method I've been hinting at lately. It's similar to "sectionreplace", but doesn't have any <dest> tags. Instead of simple search/replace operations, FLMM will parse the standard INI key/value pairs from inside the <section> and <source> tags.

What does this mean? For one thing, finding the correct sections is much easier. For instance, if one of Freelancer's INI files contains:

price = 10000
nickname = IG-2000


nickname = IG-2000

will actually find that correct section (it searches for keys, the compares the values). For the <source> tag, the values of keys in the INI files to be modified don't matter! For instance, if the original data is

tip_length = 5
nickname = Li_laser_01_beam
tail_length = 60
head_width = 2
core_width = 2
tip_color = 0, 0, 0


and the contents of <section> is

nickname = Li_laser_01_beam

and the contents of <source> is

flash_size = 4
tip_length = 2500
tail_length = 2500
head_width = 4
core_width = 2
core_color = 234, 234, 149
outter_color = 245, 245, 165
tail_color = 15, 80, 210
head_brightness = 1
trail_brightness = 1
head_texture = star
trail_texture = wide

then the resulting output is

tip_length = 2500
nickname = Li_laser_01_beam
tail_length = 2500
head_width = 4
core_width = 2
tip_color = 0, 0, 0
flash_size = 4
core_color = 234, 234, 149
outter_color = 245, 245, 165
tail_color = 15, 80, 210
head_brightness = 1
trail_brightness = 1
head_texture = star
trail_texture = wide

Make sense? Scripts that use this new method will work with basically any INI file, no matter how much the file has been modified .

Edited by - IGx89 on 5/21/2005 4:52:18 PM

Post Mon May 23, 2005 10:42 pm

Want to post the syntax you're thinking of using? Is it something like this?

<data file="data\ships\shiparch.ini" method="modify">

This IS cool, and has interesting potential uses in evolving Freelancer data sets for easy use. I like the fact that your internal model is already apparently thinking in terms of properties of the section-records.

Post Thu May 26, 2005 8:07 pm

i think it would be method="sectionmodify" but it would be much easyer and less confusing then section replace....

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