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tut request: thrust (tab) increase from 400 max

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:00 pm

tut request: thrust (tab) increase from 400 max

hey.. uhm.. im not sure HOW to ask this, as i dont know the exact name of the thing im asking.. lol

its when you press the TAB key and you have that temporary burst.. you know?
ALL thrusters have a max speed of 400... so if im going faster than 400 by some miracle and i press the tab key my speed will slowdown to 398~ or so.

my question. is there ANY way to edit a thruster (say, the Deluxe Thruster or the Order Thruster - what r their "nicknames"?) so instead of having a max thrust speed of 400 it will have more than that? say, 750? perhaps 1750? heck, why not go all out and make it 17.5k? XD (just kidding)

then i dont need to mod my cruise speed do 750 and keep it at 300 as it SHOULD be... lol it'd certainly make things a lot better when i fight or something.
(i have the tendency to kill my engines (hit Z) and use that temporary boost to fight my enemies for some reason... when i do that, it makes me almost unbeatable no matter what ship i use due to the fast speed battle)

~x marks the spot. step and burn!

Post Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:04 pm

oh! and what part of a ship's coding do i edit to make it turn faster towards where my reticle(sp?) is?

i created my own ship based on the Dragon, but its still somewhat kind of completely almost entirely slow to turn... at least compared as to how i want it to turn .... XD;

~x marks the spot. step and burn!

Post Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:36 am

If you're going to have a super thruster, you must make sure it is UNIQUE and that includes its own data.
If it is not unique, you're making a change for all ships in the game that use it.

Post Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:17 am

does that have somethign to do with copying and pasting one of the thrusters, renaming the nickname, and setting it to reference in the misc_equip file?

or.. am i somewhat kind of completely in a way entirely almost wrong? o_<

edit: forgot to say. i cant test my super thruster because the game seems to like to CRASH on me now....... ¬_¬; just as soon as that first FREELANCER screen disappears, after the 3 movies

but thats probably due to the fact that i edited something else in the game

Edited by - xkaliboor on 7/24/2007 9:19:02 AM


Post Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:35 am

>does that have somethign to do with copying and pasting one of the thrusters,
>renaming the nickname, and setting it to reference in the misc_equip file?
Yes. You need to make sure that the misc_good.ini entry for the thruster is also cloned (with the new nicknames), since it tells you which piece of equipment is sold. If you are trying to make something available to buy that doesn't have a corresponding [Good entry, your game will most certainly crash.

Edited by - Ogu on 7/24/2007 9:35:45 AM

Post Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:10 am

try deleting the restart.fl
its possible that then the game wont crash

Post Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:56 pm

great. i made it all unique. fixed the game by installing FDK or however u spell the letters. and now im ready to install them using FLMM just in case something goes wrong - and test them lol

wish me luck o_o;;

edit: didnt go as planned... FLMM doesnt seem to want to install my mod. T-T; it says it couldnt. but it did some testrun or something and. yea.

im gonna search how to fix that somewhere around here in the site....... u know, there should be a "search all freelancer forums" instead of just section by section search lol
would make us able to find a CRAP load of more things that has been posted on the site..... in wrong places...........

~x marks the spot. step and burn!

edit2: i just realized. the normal thrust speed is 200, not 400 lol
i've been using the speed enhancer mod from FLMM all the time and i forgot about it xD;
i could just change THAT mod instead.........

Edited by - xkaliboor on 7/25/2007 5:58:36 PM

Edited by - xkaliboor on 7/25/2007 6:01:22 PM


Post Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:09 am

Try using the search link above. It usually finds exactly what I want. I don't know why it's not the default lol

Whenever you get an error in FLMM, you can post it and we can tell you what you need to do to make it go away

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