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INI File Contents

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Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 12:54 am

INI File Contents

This is for posting the meanings of ALL variables in ALL INI files. Many INIs share similar things. These are posted here. After the universal, they are listed by folder and type (ie DATA\AUDIO then [TYPE}) Some special files are actually listed. Now with XML comments, so that it's easier to use with FLMM. Remember to add closing square brackets back in! Have replaced them with } brackets. Just do a replace all in any good text editor. (I reccomend ConTEXT)

Data types:
string This is a string, a sequence of characters. Letters and numbers. Often a path to a file.
int This is an integer. Any + or - number, up to 32768 or down to -32768
double This is twice as large as an integer. +-65536
float A number with a decimal place. EG. 3.14159
BOOL Boolean value. "true" or "false" are alllowed, nothing else.

nickname = string; This is the nickname. What it is called by the game.
type = string; This is the type of thing it is.
file = string; This defines the path for a file needed for the item.
ids_name = double; This is the ids name location. fled-ids can look it up. new ones can be used, ie 330001 and above.
ids_info = double; This is the ids info location. fled-ids can look it up. New ones can be used, ie 331001 and above. By convention it is 1000 more than the corresponding ids_name.
color = int, int, int; The color. Red, Green, Blue. Must be from 0 to 255
hit_pts = int; How many hit points the item has. how much damage can it take before destruction?

<!-- DATA\AUDIO -->
attenuation = int;<!-- This is the attenuation (like the rate at which the volume decreases with distance) -->
range = int, int, int;<!-- How far away the sound can be heard. Should be x,y,z I think, but does having only one set it for all? will need to test. -->
crv_pitch = int;<!-- UNSURE. something to do with the pitch. -->
is_2d = BOOL;<!-- Is it surround sound or not? I think it defaults to false. -->
pitch_bendable = BOOL;<!-- Can it's pitch change. Like for doppler effect in flybys. -->
streamer = BOOL;<!-- UNSURE. Is the music streamed. Probably meaning is it preloaded into memory or not. -->
msg = string;<!-- What message plays the sound. -->
duration = float;<!-- How long the sound plays for, in seconds -->
Priority = int;<!-- Priority for playing the sound. -->
script = string;<!-- What script to use for the voice. -->
Voice = string;<!-- Who's voice is it? -->
gender = string;<!-- Can be male or female. Is a male or female speaking? -->
supports_roles = string;<!-- what roles can this character play -->

<!-- DATA\AUDIO\soundcfg.ini -->
ear_doppler_factor = float;<!-- How much doppler effect you hear -->
ducking_rtc_down_by = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_rtc_down_time = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
default_loop_style = string;<!-- How the sound loops -->
default_crv_pitch = int;<!-- UNSURE what crv is. Default pitch. -->
default_crv_attenuation = int;<!-- UNSURE what crv is. Default attenuation. -->
default_reverb = string;<!-- Default type of reverberation. -->
music_fade_time = float;<!-- How long music fades in and out for when it ends or begins. -->
cross_fade_silence = bool;<!-- how much silence there is when crossfading 2 sounds -->
cockpit_attenuation = int;<!-- How much attenuation there is for cockpit sounds. -->
ducking_spaceflight_down_by = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_spaceflight_down_time = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_spaceflight_up_time = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
spaceflight_dialogue_pan_range = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_comm_down_by = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_comm_down_time = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_comm_up_time = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
master_music = int;<!-- UNSURE if int. possibly float. Music volume? -->
master_ambient = int;<!-- UNSURE if int. possibly float. Ambient sound volume? -->
master_interface = int;<!-- UNSURE if int. possibly float. User Interface volume? -->
master_sfx = int;<!-- UNSURE if int. possibly float. Sound effects volume? -->
master_voice = int;<!-- UNSURE if int. possibly float. Voice volume? -->
settings = 0, 0, 0;<!-- Sets how much reverberation there is. Unsure on specifics. -->


<!-- DATA\CHARACTERS\costumes.ini -->
head = string;<!-- What head to use -->
body = string;<!-- What body to use -->
righthand = string;<!-- What right hand to use -->
lefthand = string;<!-- What left hand to use -->

<!-- DATA\CHARACTERS\newcharacter.ini -->
body = string;<!-- Body for your new character -->
comm = string;<!-- Comm set to use -->
voice = string;<!-- Voice to use -->
body.anim = string;<!-- Animation for the body -->
thumb = string;<!-- 3db file for the thumb -->
comm.anim = string;<!-- Comms animation to use -->
strid_name = 11051;<!-- Ship to use? -->
strid_desc = 11551;<!-- Description of ship? -->
ship = string;<!-- Nickname of ship to use -->
loadout = string;<!-- Default ship loadout. -->
money = int;<!-- Starting money -->
rep_group = string;<!-- what group the player's reputation is associated wth -->
base = string;<!-- Where you start out -->
Package = string;<!-- What starting package to use -->
Pilot = string;<!-- What pilot to use. -->

<!-- DATA\CHARACTERS\bodyparts.ini -->
anim = string;<!-- Animation to use. List of these -->
switch = 100, 10.000000;<!-- UNSURE -->
anim = characters\animations\BodyGenericMale.anm;<!-- UNSURE -->
sex = string;<!-- Male or female. -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the body -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the head -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the left hand -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the right hand -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the accessory -->
hardpoint = string;<!-- where to attatch the accessory -->
body_hardpoint = string;<!-- where on the body to attatch the accessory. -->

;<!-- *****All ini files are in the subfolders. -->
[Cockpit};<!-- UNSURE Is this chase mode??? -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the cockpit -->
int_brightness = float;<!-- Interior brightness -->
head_turn = int, int;<!-- The amount you can look around? -->
[CockpitCamera};<!-- UNSURE Is this cockpit view? -->
[TurretCamera};<!-- This is turret mode. -->
tether = float, float, float, int;<!-- UNSURE but it seems to be X, Y, Z, Distance, system. From the ship. -->
yaw_rotate_speed = float;<!-- How fast you can change the yaw (XY planar orientation) -->
pitch_rotate_speed = float;<!-- How fast you can change the pitc (XZ planar orientation) -->
accel_speed = int;<!-- Possibly float. How fast you can accelerate -->

Edited by - PeregrineBF on 29-11-2003 08:17:05

Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 2:41 am

Very cool.

"Bring out the heretic!"

Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 6:42 am

Will do more in a few mins, but if anyone wants to help, try testing. I can get and guess most of the values myself, but where you see an UNSURE, try changing it as a test. If anyone figures those out lots of ppl would be grateful.

EDIT: Revising to make it have XML comments. Should be easier to paste into FLMM now.

Edited by - PeregrineBF on 29-11-2003 07:34:38

Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 8:18 am

volume = float;<!-- Volume of sound made by item. -->
mass = int;<!-- mass of the item. affects ship handling. -->
lootable = BOOL;<!-- is it lootable? Can it pop out of a ship on death? -->
DA_archetype = string;<!-- archetype. what it is based off of. -->
LODranges = int, int, int;<!-- Level Of Detail ranges. can be more than 3. How much detail should the game display? -->
base = string;<!-- What base sells the items. see ... lse&S=True for a list of base names. DAMN that's a long URL. -->
explosion_arch = string;<!-- Type of explosion if the item gets blown up. -->
loot_appearance = string;<!-- Appearance when in space -->
units_per_container = int;<!-- How many of the item are in each loot container. -->
material_library = string;<!-- What textures it uses. -->
force_gun_ori = BOOL;<!-- Does the ship shooting it get pushed? UNSURE. -->
requires_ammo = BOOL;<!-- Does this item need ammunition. -->
explosion_resistance = float;<!-- How much the item resists damage from explosions nearby. -->

<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\commodities_per_faction.ini -->
faction = string;<!-- faction nickname -->
MarketGood = string, int, int;<!-- commodity nickname, and I'm UNSURE what the ints are. they are all 0. -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\engine_equip.ini -->
volume = int;<!-- Volume of the engine -->
mass = int;<!-- Mass of the engine. Affects ship handling. Decrease to increase manuverability. -->
max_force = int;<!-- Maximum power. divide this by linear_drag (below) to get max speed. -->
linear_drag = int;<!-- drag for movement. UNSURE if changing affects other speeds, like trade lane? -->
power_usage = int;<!-- How much power it takes to run the engine. -->
reverse_fraction = float;<!-- Max speed times this give the max reverse speed. -->
flame_effect = string;<!-- flame effect nickname. -->
trail_effect = string;<!-- engine trail effect nickname. -->
trail_effect_player = string;<!-- player's engine trail effect nickname. I think these are shorter than the normal ones. -->
cruise_charge_time = int;<!-- how long the cruise engine takes to charge up -->
cruise_power_usage = int;<!-- Cruise engines don't seem to actually use power -->
character_start_sound = string;<!-- Starting up sound -->
character_loop_sound = string;<!-- traveling sound -->
character_pitch_range = int, int;<!-- How much the pitch varies. -->
rumble_sound = string;<!-- engine rumble sound -->
rumble_atten_range = int, int;<!-- Where you can here the engine rumble -->
rumble_pitch_range = int, int;<!-- How much the pitch varies. -->
engine_kill_sound = string;<!-- Shutting down sound -->
cruise_start_sound = string;<!-- cruise starting up sound -->
cruise_loop_sound = string;<!-- cruise traveling ound -->
cruise_stop_sound = string;<!-- cruise shutting down sound -->
cruise_disrupt_sound = string;<!-- cruise distrupted sound -->
cruise_backfire_sound = string;<!-- cruise backfiring sound. Does not seem to be implemented. -->
indestructible = BOOL;<!-- Can the engine be destroyed -->
outside_cone_attenuation = int;<!-- UNSURE How far one can see the engine's outside flame cone from -->
inside_sound_cone = int;<!-- Where the highest volume sound can be heard. -->
outside_sound_cone = int;<!-- Where the sound can't be heard anymore. -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\goods.ini -->
equipment = string;<!-- The equipment type. Can be commodity_type, Escape_pod, rm_name, escape_lifeboat, or lair_power_cell. Possibly others allowed. -->
msg_id_prefix = string;<!-- The message ID prefix. What is said when talking about it. -->
category = string;<!-- The category. Can be commodity, shiphull, equipment, ship, and possibly others. -->
price = int;<!-- The price. Should be obvious. -->
combinable = BOOL;<!-- Is this stackable. IE missiles and mines are, but guns are not. -->
good_sell_price = float;<!-- A good sell price. Used to determine those nice little red, yellow, and green circles. -->
bad_buy_price = float;<!-- A bad buy price. Used to determine those nice little red, yellow, and green squares. -->
bad_sell_price = float;<!-- A bad sell price. Used to determine those nice little red, yellow, and green circles. -->
good_buy_price = float;<!-- A good buy price. Used to determine those nice little red, yellow, and green squares. -->
shop_archetype = string;<!-- the shop archetype. 3db file -->
item_icon = string;<!-- The item's icon. 3db file -->
jump_dist = int;<!-- UNSURE -->
ship = string;<!-- Ship nickname -->
hull = string;<!-- Ship hull nickname. -->
addon = string, string, int;<!-- item name, mountpoint (can be internal, or any other mountpoint availible) and the number 1. 1 probably is the # mounted. Removing the running lights and use those pts for gun mounts should work.-->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\light_equip.ini -->
bulb_size = float;<!-- The size of the bulb. it's the dot in the center. -->
glow_size = float;<!-- The glow surrounding the bulb. -->
flare_cone = int, int;<!-- The flare cone. UNSURE. possibly radius and distance of appearance. -->
min_color = int, int, int;<!-- UNSURE. still must be between 0 and 255. -->
inherit = string;<!-- What properties this light has by default. Same as inheritance in Object Oriented programming. -->
avg_delay = int;<!-- Average blink delay? or turn on delay? UNSURE -->
blink_duration = int;<!-- Blink duration. Seconds. -->
intensity = float;<!-- Intensity. How bright it is. -->
lightsource_cone = int;<!-- The size of the lightsource's cone. Where it can be seen from. in degrees. -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\market_commodities.ini -->
MarketGood = string, int, int, int, int, int, float;<!-- commodity_name, level needed to buy, how much one must be liked to be sold this, the next 3 numbers are special. They are either 150, 500, 0 OR 0, 0, 1. The first set means it is sold, the second means it is not. UNSURE on the last number, 1. -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\market_misc.ini -->
MarketGood = string, int, int, int, int, int, float;<!-- item_name, level needed to buy, how much one must be liked to be sold this, the next 3 numbers are special. They are either 10, 10, 0 OR 50, 50, 0. The first set means it is sold, the secondmeans it is not. UNSURE on the last number, 1. -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\market_ships.ini -->
MarketGood = string, int, int, int, int, int, float;<!-- ship_package, level needed to buy, how much one must be liked to be sold this, the next 3 numbers are special. They are either 1, 1, 0 OR 0, 0, 1. The first set means it is sold, the second means it is not. UNSURE on the last number, 1. -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\misc_equip -->
capacity = int;<!-- How much the item can cary. IE how powerful it is. -->
charge_rate = int;<!-- How fast it recharges -->
thrust_capacity = int;<!-- How much it can drive your thrusters. Effectively how long can thrusters be on. -->
thrust_charge_rate = int;<!-- How fast it recharges your thrusters. -->
range = int;<!-- Range to detect ships -->
cargo_scan_range = int;<!-- range to scan cargo. -->
max_length = int;<!-- Max length of the tractor beam. -->
reach_speed = int;<!-- How fast the tractor beam shoots out. -->
operating_effect = string;<!-- What effect is shown when on. -->
tractor_complete_snd = string;<!-- What sound is played when all items have been tractored in. -->
one_shot_sound = string;<!-- Sound played for a single shot. -->
const_effect = string;<!-- Effect of the item. -->
lifetime = int;<!-- How long, in seconds, the countermeasure lasts. -->
owner_safe_time = int;<!-- How long, in seconds, the owner is safe (from explosion of the CM? UNSURE what.) -->
linear_drag = float;<!-- How much drag there is on the CM when flying. -->
range = int;<!-- How far it can be shot. -->
diversion_pctg = int;<!-- Must be from 0 to 100, how often a missile locks onto the CM instead of the ship. -->
HP_child = string;<!-- UNSURE, something about hardpoints. -->
debris_type = string;<!-- What type of debris does it leave when destroyed. -->
parent_impulse = int;<!-- UNSURE. How much the parent gets moved? -->
child_impulse = int;<!-- UNSURE. How much the child gets moved? -->
power_usage = float;<!-- How much power is used per shot. -->
refire_delay = float;<!-- How often can it be shot. In seconds. -->
muzzle_velocity = int;<!-- How fast the CM comes out of the gun. -->
flash_particle_name = string;<!-- Name of the flash particle. somewhat UNSURE as to what this is. Probably muzzle flare. -->
flash_radius = int;<!-- The radius of the flash. UNSURE which flash. Probably muzzle flare. -->
light_anim = string;<!-- Animation of the flash? Muzzle flash? Unsure. -->
projectile_archetype = string;<!-- What projectile gets fired. -->
separation_explosion = string;<!-- What explosion gets played when seperated from a ship (destroyed.) -->
AI_range = int;<!-- How far will the AI shoot this from. -->

Edited by - PeregrineBF on 30-11-2003 13:55:37

Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 3:44 pm

How do i make to mine weapons ?

Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 7:49 pm

VERY easy. There are mines in weapon_good.ini, just copy and edit one of those, then do the same for weapon_equip. All's left is to add it in market_misc
See ya,



Director of the Coalition Strikes Back Expansion Pack
Creator of:
FarShoot MOD
Engine MOD
Easy MOD
Coalition Strikes Back Expansion
Engine Speed MOD
Difficulty MOD

Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 7:58 pm

no, not mines... how do i mine from asteroids weapons ?

Post Sat Nov 29, 2003 8:04 pm

to drop class 10 weapons like nomad cannons , onyx , siver fire , etc. ? thats what i mean... how do i make it ? how do i edit it ?

Post Mon Dec 01, 2003 1:35 am

<!-- Back on topic folks. If you want something about mining guns, I might make a tut on that. But this is the INI var list thread. -->

<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\misc_good.ini -->
category = string;<!-- what type of thing is this item. -->
price = int;<!-- Price for the item. -->
item_icon = string;<!-- Icon of the item. -->
combinable = BOOL;<!-- Is this stackable. IE missiles and mines are, but guns are not. -->
free_ammo = string, int;<!-- What type of ammo comes with it, how much comes with it. The int*ammo price is added to the cost, it's not truly free. -->
shop_archetype = string;<!-- the shop archetype. 3db file -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\prop_equip.ini -->
capacity = int;<!-- How much it holds. -->
charge_rate = int;<!-- How fast it recharges. -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\select_equip.ini -->
hit_pts_scale = float;<!-- What the item using this armor has its hit points multiplied by. -->
HP_child = string;<!-- What hard point this connects to. -->
parent_impulse = int;<!-- UNSURE. How much the parent gets moved? -->
child_impulse = int;<!-- UNSURE. How much the child gets moved? -->
debris_type = string;<!-- what type of debris does it have when destroyed. -->
units_per_container = int;<!-- How many of the item are in each container. -->
decay_per_second = int;<!-- How many HP it looses per second? UNSURE. -->
tl_ship_enter = string;<!-- What happens when a ship enters the trade lane. -->
tl_ship_travel = string;<!-- What happens when a ship travels along the trade lane. -->
tl_ship_exit = string;<!-- What happens when a ship exits the trade lane. -->
tl_ship_disrupt = string;<!-- What happens when the trade lane is distrupted. -->
tl_player_travel = string;<!-- What happens when a player travels in the trade lane. -->
tl_player_splash = string;<!-- UNSURE. Probably what happens when a player goes back to free flight mode when in a trade lane. -->
secs_before_enter = int;<!-- How long it takes to let one enter the TL. -->
secs_before_splash = int;<!-- UNSURE. How long it takes to let one go back to free flight from the TL. -->
secs_before_exit = int;<!-- How long it takes to let one exit the TL. -->
tl_ring_active = string;<!-- What happens when a ring is activated. -->
spin_max = int;<!-- How much it spins? UNSURE. -->
spin_accel = int;<!-- How much the ship using the TL accelerates. -->
activation_start = int;<!-- UNSURE. -->
activation_end = int;<!-- UNSURE. -->
use_sound = string;<!-- What sound gets used by the effect. -->
use_animation = string;<!-- What animation gets used by the effect. -->
particles = string;<!-- What particles get used by the effect. -->
use_throttle = BOOL;<!-- Can the effect change with the speed of the emmiter? -->
HP_child = string;<!-- What hard point this connects to?. -->
debris_type = string;<!-- What type of debris is released when this is destroyed. -->
regeneration_rate = int;<!-- How fast does the shield regenerate. -->
constant_power_draw = int;<!-- How much power does it draw normally. -->
rebuild_power_draw = int;<!-- How much power is drawn to rebuild the shield. -->
max_capacity = int;<!-- How strong is the shield. -->
offline_rebuild_time = int;<!-- How long does the shield stay offline when it goes to 0. -->
offline_threshold = float;<!-- UNSURE. Perhaps how much shield is left when it goes offline? Could this be responsible for the "Last SP saves all" effect? -->
shield_hit_effects = int, string;<!-- UNSURE on the int, perhaps how many times the effect is played, and what effect actually gets played. -->
shield_collapse_sound = string;<!-- What sound gets played when the shield is destroyed. -->
shield_collapse_particle = string;<!-- What particle is sent out when the shield gets destroyed. -->
shield_rebuilt_sound = string;<!-- What sound is played when the shield gets restored. -->
HP_child = string;<!-- What hard point this connects to. -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\weapon_equip.ini -->
HP_child = string;<!-- What hard point this connects to. -->
power_usage = int;<!-- How much power it uses. -->
cloakin_time = int;<!-- How long it takes to cloak. -->
cloakout_time = int;<!-- How long it takes to decloak. -->
cloakin_fx = string;<!-- What effect to use for cloaking. -->
cloakout_fx = string;<!-- What effect to use for decloaking. -->
lifetime = float;<!-- How long the motor stays on. -->
accel = float;<!-- How much the missile is accelerated -->
delay = int;<!-- Delay before the motor ignites. -->
effect = string;<!-- What effect the missile explosion has -->
lifetime = float, float;<!-- UNSURE. How long it lasts, but not sure why there are 2 numbers. -->
process = string;<!-- What happens to it after time. -->
strength = int;<!-- How strong the explosion is. -->
radius = int;<!-- Size of the explosion. -->
hull_damage = int;<!-- How much hull damage is done. -->
energy_damage = int;<!-- How much energy damge. 1/2 of the Hull damage is energy damage. -->
impulse = int;<!-- How much it pushes things. -->
units_per_container = int;<!-- How many there are per container. -->
hp_type = string;<!-- What type of hardpoint it attatches to. -->
requires_ammo = BOOL;<!-- Does it need ammunition? -->
one_shot_sound = string;<!-- Sound of a single shot. -->
detonation_dist = int;<!-- How far from a ship is it when it blows up. -->
lifetime = float;<!-- How long it lasts. -->
Motor = string;<!-- What motor to use. -->
const_effect = string;<!-- What effect is used normally. -->
HP_trail_parent = string;<!-- What trail is used. -->
seeker = string;<!-- What seeker is used. -->
time_to_lock = int;<!-- How long does it take to lock on. -->
seeker_range = int;<!-- How far can the seeker see. -->
seeker_fov_deg = int;<!-- How wide is the seeker's field of vision. -->
max_angular_velocity = float;<!-- How fast can it turn. -->
HP_child = string;<!-- What hard point this connects to. -->
debris_type = string;<!-- What debris does it let out when destroyed. -->
parent_impulse = int;<!-- UNSURE. How much the parent gets moved? -->
child_impulse = int;<!-- UNSURE. How much the child gets moved? -->
hp_gun_type = float;<!-- What type of gun is it. -->
damage_per_fire = int;<!-- How much the user is damaged per firing. UNSURE. -->
power_usage = int;<!-- How much power is used. -->
refire_delay = int;<!-- How long it takes to fire again. -->
muzzle_velocity = float;<!-- How fast the munition comes out of the muzzle. -->
toughness = float;<!-- How hard to damage it is. -->
projectile_archetype = string;<!-- What type of projectile is used. -->
dry_fire_sound = string;<!-- What sound is played when firing with no ammo. -->
separation_explosion = string;<!-- What explosion when it is destroyed. -->
auto_turret = bool;<!-- Is it a turret. (I don't think this means auto aiming, I think any turret has this as true.) -->
turn_rate = int;<!-- How fast it can turn. -->
explosion_arch = string;<!-- What explosion to use. -->
requires_ammo = BOOL;<!-- Does it need ammo. -->
one_shot_sound = string;<!-- Sound of a single shot. -->
detonation_dist = int;<!-- How far from a ship is it when it blows up. -->
lifetime = float;<!-- How long it lasts. -->
owner_safe_time = int;<!-- How long the owner is safe from the explosion? How long until it explodes, or can explode? UNSURE. -->
linear_drag = float;<!-- How much drag there is. -->
seek_dist = int;<!-- How far it can seek for. IE How far can the seeker see. -->
top_speed = int;<!-- How fast can it go. -->
acceleration = int;<!--How fast does it accelerate. -->
const_effect = string;<!-- Normal effect to play. -->
HP_child = string;<!-- What hard point this connects to. -->
debris_type = string;<!-- What debris does it let out when destroyed. -->
parent_impulse = int;<!-- UNSURE. How much the parent gets moved? -->
child_impulse = int;<!-- UNSURE. How much the child gets moved? -->
damage_per_fire = int;<!-- How much the user is damaged per firing. UNSURE. -->
power_usage = int;<!-- How much power is used. -->
refire_delay = int;<!-- How long it takes to fire again. -->
muzzle_velocity = float;<!-- How fast the munition comes out of the muzzle. -->
toughness = float;<!-- How hard to damage it is. -->
projectile_archetype = string;<!-- What type of projectile is used. -->
dry_fire_sound = string;<!-- What sound is played when firing with no ammo. -->
separation_explosion = string;<!-- What explosion when it is destroyed. -->
obj = string;<!-- What object is this sets the level of detail for. IE barrel or base of a turret. -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\weapon_good.ini -->
equipment = string;<!-- What type of equipment is it. -->
category = string;<!-- What type of object is it. -->
price = int;<!-- The price of the item. -->
combinable = BOOL;<!-- Is it stackable, like missiles. -->
free_ammo = string, int;<!-- Name of ammo, number of ammo. This comes with the gun. ammo ammoun * ammo price is added to the gun's price. -->
<!-- DATA\EQUIPMENT\weaponmoddb.ini -->
shield_mod = string, float;<!-- Shield type, damage multiplier. Determines how much damage is done to different types of shields.


Edited by - PeregrineBF on 01-12-2003 01:36:08

Post Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:22 pm

Excellent Work.

Post Sat Dec 06, 2003 4:20 am

thender sumthing,

Why not make it buyable to a certain base or planet...

All I do for LOVE

Post Sat Dec 06, 2003 3:58 pm

Sorry, got bored looking through all that - no offense (ie, skipped last page lol). In market files - for weapons and others, the last number is the sell mulitplier over the amount stated in its goods file. If a good is priced at 10000 in goods file, and has a 1 at the end of its line, then it costs 10k. If its 1.8 - it costs 18k.
Etc - same for all types.

First number is teh level to buy the objects, second number is the freindlyness of it.
The market_ships.ini - if you try shifting those numbers about, you find ONLY the third number affects if the ship is sold or not on the base. Try it - its true. Set it to 1 to sell, 0 not to. The other numbers don't matter.

Couldn't be arsed to read through the rest - but from what i saw it is a very useful post indeed! Nice one

Also - msg id prefix - its what the AI call it - tis a reference to a AI sound file. On jumpgates you notice that the msg id prefix is directed to the system that they are going too - means that the ai will then say 'we are going to the ******* system' - the cargo goods - has msg prefix -hope my cargo hold full of boron fetches a good price.

the ship is the same, as is any other.

Edited by - Chips on 06-12-2003 16:00:39

Post Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:01 pm

Thanks man. I've not had much time, but I'll add more stuff over the next week, and fix those unsures.
And it's meant to be big. There are lots of INI files.

Post Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:25 pm


ah... i finally understand why nothing is working when I use ids number 1.



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