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Weirdest FL crashes ever?

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Post Mon Jun 07, 2004 6:12 am

Weirdest FL crashes ever?

Hey guys, I've just gotten back into Freelancer in a big way, and have been playing through, until I suddenly ran accross a big problem: no matter how fresh the system is, (I can have restarted literally 30 seconds beforehand), FL will crash after any length of time to the desktop and then the DxDiag program will begin running. Sometimes, it manages to last a whole mission, I think the longest it's gone has been about 50 minutes without crashing, but then it will do it in a big way.. I've even had DxDiag running three times concurrently.. (Luckily, I've been working around it using the autosaves by docking almost everywhere.)

Nevertheless, it's an irritating problem, and I've tried just about everything I can think of to get rid of it - totally uninstalling and reinstalling, changing the graphics options, but nothing seems to make a difference. (I even tried renaming DxDiag, but that didnt work, a new one with the old name just appeared out of nowhere.. continuously.)

System specs are: Athlon 2800XP proc (running at 2.08 non-overclocked), XP Home w/SP1, Radeon 9800SE 128MB vid card (running the only stable drivers lately, the 3.9 series), and 1 gig of DDR RAM..

Has anyone else run across this problem, or could anyone suggest a fix? It'd be much appreciated.

Post Mon Jun 07, 2004 1:51 pm

Hmm, if DirectX is playing games, then I would suggest completely reinstalling it. It could also be a driver issue, but if "dxdiag" is constantly running, it probably means that Dx has been corrupted. Try reinstalling it (latest version 9.0b), and try that. I assume that you have already tried that, but maybe try getting the latest build from

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