Server Oddity
When I start FL Server it does a CDT. Have uninstalled & re-installed. Before re did reg hack to remove all instances. Still same. Occurs with or with out Boomz server manager. Patch made no diff. Last re used SDK instead of patch same results.
Now, here is more weridness. Use Norton & recover using it & will continue on, usually for an extended period. Even if in-game & Server goes AOL Norton will usually recover & play goes on.
On another note. Is there a way around the 5 limit.
Thanks for all feedback.
It is hard to soar with eagles when you fly with turkeys.
Now, here is more weridness. Use Norton & recover using it & will continue on, usually for an extended period. Even if in-game & Server goes AOL Norton will usually recover & play goes on.
On another note. Is there a way around the 5 limit.
Thanks for all feedback.
It is hard to soar with eagles when you fly with turkeys.