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problems running freelancer

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:48 am

problems running freelancer

i have just bought the game and i am having a few problems,ie on start up the game does not reconise my vidio card,and the mouse control is very sensative,i have dropped it down to about 15%,system specs pentium 3ghz p4,fx5900 ultra (256megs) 750megs system ram audigy sound card,any help most welcome,Thanks Dennis


Post Tue Apr 20, 2004 2:07 pm

Welcome to TLR . Have you had a look through the "stickied" threads above? They solve most of the problems people have with FL. One thing though, more than one person has reported that FL crashes repeatedly when they play using 5900 cards, so hopefully you will be able to get it working (unlike them) .

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