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The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:24 pm


Can someone help me in solving the problem with the mission after the Willard escort mission? The Valkyries that I run into dont attack like they are supposed to and I just get stuck flying about the California system and the Valkyries jsut remain neutral and if I shoot them, its mission failure due to attacking a neutral ship. Please help!!

Post Sun Mar 28, 2004 5:26 am

read this thread. It worked for me

Welcome and stick around

You were gone?

Edit: Damn spelling.

- I'm not crazy, I'm a car. And if you don't believe me, you can get out and walk home. -
*** The Titan flies like a cow ***
Fight like a Warlord

Post Sun Mar 28, 2004 9:25 pm

can any one give me a reason y there isnt a mod that lets u pick out a price of money u want to start with?

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