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Freelancer Closes Itself!

The place to ask for technical help with running the demo or the full game...

Post Tue Mar 23, 2004 5:45 pm

Freelancer Closes Itself!

ok... i got the game, installed it, beat single player, looted most of the wrecks. went into MP. everything was fine. my harddrive got all cluttered and nasty so i wiped it and reinstalled FL (and windows and all the other stuff, dont worry ). Beat the SP campaign, got my wrecks, etc. I just got a bunch of mods to mess around with, and the FL mod manager. After i was done, i deactivated all mods and restored backups. now im trying to get back into MP. i selected my regular server, and created my character. i got as far as putting missiles on my shiny new starflier... then i went to the landing pad and while it was "loading" after i took off, FL just closed. no error messages, nothing. It just CLOSED. tried another server, same thing.

whats goin on?


Orillion: So trent, will you help us with the mission?

Trent: Sure, as long as I'm not shot at, knocked out, held at gunpoint, electrocuted, skewered alive by giant alien shapeshifters, have to dive out windows, or fight off spindly nomad incubi.

Post Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:04 am

It could be anything! What kind of question is that?!?

What kind of internet connection do you have? ADSL, Cable? Do you have any firewalls running? Which version of Windows do you have?

Post Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:05 am

Delete save games. Reinstall FL. To delete save games use FLMM option TOOLS - to "go to save game folder" and delete everything in there. Then DELETE the FL folder (program files/microsoft games/) and insert CD (will autoreinstall). Now load up and go play.

Hate to say this, but there are tons of threads with details about how to sort this problem out - woulda saved you time, and my fingers from typing

Post Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:47 am

well, i figured it out!

my little brother decided to use my mods under my user acct (windows XP), and he didnt turn em off! grr! i was about to reinstall and wipe my saves too!


Orillion: So trent, will you help us with the mission?

Trent: Sure, as long as I'm not shot at, knocked out, held at gunpoint, electrocuted, skewered alive by giant alien shapeshifters, have to dive out windows, or fight off spindly nomad incubi.

Post Sun Mar 28, 2004 5:29 am

Little brothers are evil

Post Wed Mar 31, 2004 11:54 pm

litte brothers arent evil


glad you got it fixed however!!

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