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Philips sound card vs FL

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Post Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:17 pm

Philips sound card vs FL

Im having a Philips Rhytmic edge card, and crashes my system randomly when playing FL.

Running W2k&SP4, tried the latest drivers from Philips, but does the same.
And only crashes in FL, other games/music/movies are fine. The mobo's (MSI KT3) built in sound chip doesn't cause crashes, but is a crap considering sound quality. I never had sound releated problems in FL. The tried (un)installing various sound codecs. Different PCI slot, even set fsb to default, but still crashing.

Mostly playing rebalance, maybe there is something, but don't think so.

Any idea?

Post Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:16 am

It may not be your sound card at all. I play Rebalance and I find that my game can sometimes crash randomly. I've just learned to put up with it

"A good pun is its own reword"

Post Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:43 am

almost sure FL&that card is the problem. Removed it, and using the mobo's built-in noise maker, and no crashes.

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