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Multiplayer connection problem

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Post Sun Dec 28, 2003 2:49 am

Multiplayer connection problem

ok here is an interesting problem for u all.

I have just bought freelancer second hand and i cannot connect to the global server. i'm using systemantecs firewall 2002 through lan and adsl now although i have specified the udp ports 2302 to 2304, disabled windows firewall, removed that pesky windows security update AND reinstalled freelancer several times i still have this problem. now i have no trouble with the other games that i play online (sof2,ut,cs etc.....). would u guys and gals have any ideas? now the only thing that i can think of is that i heard that some copies of the game will not work in multiplayer. oh and i've searched the forums for help but to no avail.

please help cause this is making me loose sleep and alot of hair!!!!!!!

freedom is to be able to choose your own path

Post Sun Dec 28, 2003 2:52 am

additional info my spec is:

amd 650
gf mx440
384mb ram
win xp pro

thanks loooool

freedom is to be able to choose your own path

Post Sun Dec 28, 2003 7:03 am

With that sort of software defense perimeter set up you had to customise, you would by chance also have Zone Alarm running would you?

You need to allow programs access through firewalls to get them to play with the internet properly. I let Freelancer act as a server in my ZA. It's a thought.

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator - Lancers Reactor
Creator Privateer FAQ
no good deed will ever go unpunished
"Corwin02 spell-checked" for ackuracee

Post Sun Dec 28, 2003 4:31 pm

nah i dont use zone alarm although i do use black ice but i always turn that off when im online. but thanks anyway :-)

freedom is to be able to choose your own path

Post Sun Dec 28, 2003 5:12 pm

No offense intended, but with that level of security I'm SHOCKED you'd even consider using Black Ice.

Here, educate yourself a bit more on firewalls and get a real one (no offense to Black Ice makers, but it's really a piece of cow dung).

Gibson Research Corp.

Post Sun Dec 28, 2003 7:42 pm

Reinstall directx9b. nuff said.

Seriously, problems connecting to the Global server have nothing to do with firewalls or ports. But often the part of direct x that allows internet gaming, called "directplay", gets corrupt. And when it does, that's exactly what happens, Freelancer just sits there saying "connecting to global server" and nothing happens. Reinstall directx9b and it will fix it.

Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 4:17 am

Seriously, problems connecting to the Global server have nothing to do with firewalls or ports.

@ wanabee, I beg to differ. First of all you are most likely right, DirectX probably will solve this problem (should have thought of that and good call man!). But when you make a statement like that above I can not in good conscience allow that to fly here. You're DEAD wrong about this software and the global server connection having absolutely nothing to do with firewalls or ports man.

If that statement WERE true then can you try to explain to me and others reading this why the readme file right on the Freelancer CD spcifically says to manually connect to a server when the global is down to put a port number at the end of the command line colon???? Also, during beta testing and beyond I had to in fact let Freelancer act as a server via ZA in order for me to participate in the MP portion of the game. Can't knock realtime feedback like that dood. No offense, but you're wrong.

Careful with making those absolute statements around here, we've got some pretty darn good techies that do not like those "all-inclusive" statements. I'm one of them. No biggie, you probably solved his problem. Just be careful with those "no exception" type statements and you'll be fine.

Edited by - Stinger on 29-12-2003 04:19:30

Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 1:36 pm

looool ok so i didnt know that black ice was crap but it was reccomended to me by a friend so had to try it :-) directx problem? hmmmmm dont think so cause i reinstalled it and did the direct play diagnosis which seemed to work(although it was only over lan) and i when i put the server on i can connect to it, i just redone my lan (my machine is the net server, ADSL), reinstalled and it still wont work!!!!!!!!!

A HUGE THANK YOU to the ppl who have given me advice so far!!!!!! its been very helpful :-))

freedom is to be able to choose your own path

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