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What Video Card upgrade should I get to see all the FL effec

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Post Sat Jul 26, 2003 8:25 pm

What Video Card upgrade should I get to see all the FL effec

I want to upgrade my Vid Card and am currently considering these two cards:
nVidea GeForce-4 TI-4800 SE 128MB DDR AGP 8x w/TV Out & DVI
nVidea GeForce-FX 5600 256MB DDR w/TV Out & DVI

I need TV-Out to play Freelancer on my big screen, I don't even have a monitor hooked up to my current computer. I don't know Video Card tech specs as well as normal computer specs (my system can handle any upgrade) and don't know how to understand the differences in VC performance. I have no clue as to how the FX series is different from the 4 series. And reading through the given product descriptions didn't help any, it made me more confused.

I'll also take recommendations for other cards as long as it is in the same price range of $150 - $200 US. But please provide pros and cons.

Thanks, your help is much appreciated.


Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:35 am

i have an nVidea GeForce-FX 5600 128MB DDR w/TV Out & DVI and it is 128MB not 256 like you said, so im not sure.

Corsair - "Im gonna use whats left of you to grease my ship..."

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:53 am

The one I'm looking at is definitely 256, but is yours AGP 8x because I don't know about the 5600 FX series if it is or not.


Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 3:52 pm

Actually, the radeon 9800/9700 are the best cards at the moment.

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 3:54 pm

Hell I use a Savage 4 card. Works fine.

If I had a nickel for every time someone told me that my idea for melting down coins to make a giant robotic parrot was a bad idea, I would have one kicka$$ giant robotic parrot.

Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:17 pm

TheJKwhosaysNI said:

Actually, the radeon 9800/9700 are the best cards at the moment.

Why are they best?

Hairfarmer said:

Hell I use a Savage 4 card. Works fine.

Is that a GeForce? Or is it an older card?

I want a card that is prepared for the next 3 years with Star Wars Galaxies coming out and such. However, when it comes to Video Cards, I know practicly nothing. I know a lot about other computer stuff, but Video Cards were changing at greater rates than I was willing to keep up with.

I do know what DDR memory is, AGP 8x slot is what I have, other than that I know nothing. Please explain why you think what you think.


Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 9:36 pm

In addition, perhaps even more helpful, does anyone know a good reviewer site that actually does side by side comparisons of cards. I know a lot of sites review cards, but when you know very little about modern graphics cards a one card review is worthless because I have no frame of reference.


Post Sun Jul 27, 2003 11:53 pm


For three year investment that might be something of a strech to believe you'd have a card that can handle 100% of what's coming out in the next three years. Will everything run? Most likely but that timeframe has been just a bit on the outside of realistic expectations on being able to last that long (at less for the last 15 years or so).

There are two games coming out soon that will be good long term benchmarks (One is actually used by the most popular fps as it's primary guage of videocard capabilies). The two are Doom 3 and Half - Life 2 (potentially more immediate benchmarker ...Halo). If you get a card that will run what is expected to be need for these game, you'll be good for at least I'd say 2 years for sure.

{right out of Maximum PC mag}
Any nVidia GeForce FX 5200, 5600, 5800 or 5900
Any ATI Radeon 9500, 9600, 9700 and 9800

There does seem to be a gentle lean of graphics manufacturers in the direction of letting software, not so muchg hardware to run the show. Direct X has been a really good thing for games lately. Even people that dislike proprietory restrictions {How do I uninstall Direct X ver xxx ??} have to admit that, even if it is through clenched teeth.
Those should be good for a while.

Edited by - Stinger on 28-07-2003 00:54:19

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