Post Mon Jul 14, 2003 10:04 pm

Here''s a nice little bug for you...

This one's a real pain in the started happening after I launched from Tegaki's Arch in mission 9. Here's what happened:

I went after a Rheinland gunship first...started out by pumping him full of shots from my Barracuda's 6-pack of Pyros 2's. He died, but the fighters were all after me and it was beginning to get on my nerves, so I decided to take the second gunship out faster with a volley of torpedoes. I line myself up, hit the turbo, and fire...and a cruise disrupter comes out of my nose. Not a fast one, either, it was going the same speed as a torp, but it looked like and did the damage of a cruise disrupter.

This is pretty odd, since earlier in the mission I had used torpedoes to get rid of the shield generators. I do a quick inventory check, and I have 35 starkiller torpedoes. Upon return to Chugoku, I test fire the launcher, and it's back to normal. I figure it was caused by the fact that I still had a cruise disrupter in my hold, but not mounted.

All goes well, and I reach the experimental shipyard. I pop off a few shots at one of the nomad battleships, and...whaddaya know, cruise disrupters again! After jumping to hamburg, the launcher was still firing the wrong missiles. Frustrated, I decide that the ship must be causing it, and sell it, along with the cruise disrupter, for a trusty Anubis. I buy up a pair of catapult launchers to go with the torps so that I can take down the satellite in mission 11 faster.

So now I head out to kill the satellite, thinking my troubles are over. WRONGO! I fire my first salvo and...oh great, now ALL THREE LAUNCHERS are firing cruise disrupters! Naturally, I scream, bash my head into the monitor, and expend just about every single round to kill the satellite. Around the time it goes down, I finally figure out I'm getting shot at, and die just as I'm reaching for the nanobot key.

Okay, so what gives? I've never had something like that happen before, and I have no mods on, so it has to be a bug in the game. Anyone know what's going on here?

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless