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Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 1:17 am


ok. I am having a big problem with the mouse. I am in a dog fight and the dame
mouse goes everywhere expect where i point.
example: I am chasing a fighter and cannot get a fix on the fighter because
the mouse is so erratic. Fighter goes one way and I go the other way. Cannot
stay with the fighter at all. I change the mouse slider here and there, no help.

Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:57 am

hmm alot of info there, like your mouse type/make. Guess what I'm asking for. As I have to guess them at the moment.

Post Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:33 am

Are you sure that the problem is your mouse? Maybe your aiming skills are ... eratic .. Ok im just kidding now.

Try to see on your control panel / mouse - PS2 report rate. (in case you have a ps2 mouse). If the report rate from your mouse is above 100 and your matherboard is not supporting this rate, you may experience this kind of issues with your mouse in games. If possible, try to lower your report rate at 100 and see what happens.
If you can't find any report rate option on your mouse panel (from control panel), I recommend to download a mouseware driver from logitec (even if you have a different mouse), and to lower your report rate.
You can also try to search this options on your bios (different names though), but I wont recommend that (could get messy)
Good luck!

Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 12:04 pm

I know a few people that complain about this (not just in freelancer). Here are the causes i found;

1) Using your mousemat as a coaster/placemat
2) Pets (particularly cats, they get everywhere)
3) Sweaty body parts making contact with mousemat
4) Missing the ashtray and ashing on the mousemat

Basically, it could just be your mouse is dirty. The soft rubber ball picks up anythnig and transfers it into the mouse. Hairs get wrapped around the spindles, or trapped in the optics (yes, ball mice do have optics). Crud builds up on the spindles and pressure rollers, making the movement it detects erratic.

Solution: Unplug the mouse, open it with a phillips screwdriver (most mice have the screw holes covered by a plastic pad) give it a good shake, blow out the dust, scrape the rollers and spindles clean, put it back together and reconnect.

If this sounds like too much hassle, then spend a few bob and go buy a cheap mouse

Just my $0.02, but it could just be the cardamine talking.
Nil Mortifi Sine Lucre
aka Shaman - gameArena Server

Post Fri Jul 11, 2003 1:01 pm

My fiance's computer does this occasionally...

She's got a Logitech USB....The neutered one..I see that a lot...It's a USB problem. Update the drivers for USB, or switch to a PS/2 mouse.


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Something Awful

Post Sat Jul 19, 2003 7:02 pm

the problem was the mouse driver. i updated the driver and no more problems.
thanks all for help.

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