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No missions available

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Post Mon May 05, 2003 2:02 pm

No missions available

Ok, I'm stuck and stumped.

I'm level 34, and no matter where I land, the job board either says "Come back when you are a more experienced pilot" or "No jobs available at this time". Also, the "Next Level" states "Mission" instead of a dollar amount like I'm used to seeing. I haven't seen "Mission" since I finished the built-in story-line.

I've tried the easy systems such as New York, Colorado, Texas, up to the harder systems such as Omicron Gamma, Omega-41, and Omicron Theta.

I did hang out in the Kepler system for a LONG time, blasting Xenos, in order to up my relations with all the other factions.

I did play around with a couple mods, but I restored all the original .INI files, I'm sure of it.

Any help anyone can offer would be most appreciated. As of right now the only way for me to make cash is to trade in my Titan for a huge freighter and run some trade routes. :-(


Post Mon May 05, 2003 6:21 pm


None of the NPCs in the bars ever have any jobs to offer either. So far I haven't given up though, and am still flying my Titan from planet to planet, base to base, system to system. I like my Nomad weaponary, and am having a hard time trading her in for a big freighter, on which I couldn't use my Nomad stuff.

I've also restored all the original .INI files from the CDROM, so I'm sure that there are no lingering MOD .INI files anywhere.

Blasting Xenos for such a long time has upped my reputation with every faction except for about 8, which I'm still in the red with (not counting the Xenos, who can't stand me for some reason, LOL). Eventually, if I can't find any jobs, I'll head back to Kepler and hang out at the Xeno base, blasting Xenos until everyone (but the Xenos) love me. :-D LOL

Maybe it's time to start a new game? I loath the thought of playing the SP story-line again.

Post Mon May 05, 2003 9:52 pm

maybe you need to delete the savegames? or get a different one?

argh.. im never gonna get paid.. goodbye a million credits..

Post Thu May 08, 2003 3:23 pm


Ok. So I'm still stuck with no missions available. I've now deleted my save game files, all of them, except for the Restart.fl file.

I've installed, and tried using the NO_STORY Mod, with no success. I start a new game, and no missions are available.

I've installed and tried using the Reynen's Client/Server Mod v2.0 BETA 4, with no success. I start a new game, and no missions are available.

Does anyone know of any registry settings I should look at? At this moment, I don't think there are any files I could look at to solve this problem, as I've already reinstalled the original .INI files, and deleted all my save games.

On another note, if I start up the FLServer, and connect to my own server, there are a plethora of missions available.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Post Tue May 13, 2003 11:40 am


Well, try as I might, no matter what base, planet, faction, what-not, there are no missions available from job boards nor NPCs.

I think I've figured out _why_; when I look at my character stats, "Missions Completed" is 0 (the number zero). Now, this is a backup of my original game, which I finished the Single Player storyline with, so I don't understand that.

What I haven't figured out is _how_. How did this happen, that is. I'm guessing one of the Mods I tried out must have hammered something, and I'm almost certain whatever was hammered is found within the save-game file, one of the *.fl files in my Freelancer directory, under My Documents.

So, now my question, does a utility exist that allows one to edit the *.fl (savegame) files yet? And if so, where might I find it? :-)

Thanks again :-)

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