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To beat a modder
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The simple way to beat a modder is to not mod. If you play without cheating while the other person cheats you are already that much better than him. Don't sink to their low and cheat, it will only hurt your reputation with everyone.
Oh and a Pker is a Player Killer. Usualy when people say they kill pkers they mean they kill Pkers that kill New players around manhattan.
Oh and a Pker is a Player Killer. Usualy when people say they kill pkers they mean they kill Pkers that kill New players around manhattan.
here's a good way to get away from modders: go to another server or host one of your own. If you can get 30 players or more on your server, I'd suggest passwording the server from everyone else, including modders. some servers will ban modders on site (mine being one). From what I know, Calgary let's players get away with whatever they want. I should say the host let's players do what they want, which is why I don't go there.
No pklilling rules means I create a new character and then get blown away just leaving manhattan for the first time, so I just don't go there anymore. There's hundreds of servers at any one time. just go pick another one for a while. bring your friends you can trust to come with you. It's much better than writing complaints here, especially if host doesn't listen to 90% of complaints e-mailed to him.
Leave. take your friends and leave. find friendlier freelancers on another server. If the host won't do anything about your problem, remove yourself from the problem.
There is no knowledge that is not power.
No pklilling rules means I create a new character and then get blown away just leaving manhattan for the first time, so I just don't go there anymore. There's hundreds of servers at any one time. just go pick another one for a while. bring your friends you can trust to come with you. It's much better than writing complaints here, especially if host doesn't listen to 90% of complaints e-mailed to him.
Leave. take your friends and leave. find friendlier freelancers on another server. If the host won't do anything about your problem, remove yourself from the problem.
There is no knowledge that is not power.
Sure that really easy for a loner, but when you got a bunch of friends on one server or even a clan, that is the last resort. Therefore, complaints about that stuff is ok with me.
USB/GOV Website
USB/GOV Website
_How to beat a modder_
1)Find out where he lives
2)Proceed to contact him with swift movements of fist, baseball bat, or other wieldy object.
The modders most fearsome defense in this situation is the 'Aura of Complete Patheticness'. This will instill enough pity in most people to allow him to escape to his Mom's house.
1)Find out where he lives
2)Proceed to contact him with swift movements of fist, baseball bat, or other wieldy object.
The modders most fearsome defense in this situation is the 'Aura of Complete Patheticness'. This will instill enough pity in most people to allow him to escape to his Mom's house.
Shouldnt you mail him a greeting card first?

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United Sirius Liberation Front
We accept everyone and anyone.
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no heretic in this day and age you send "e-cards"
and better than beating a modder: lock him in his house and cut his phone lines and cable lines, and pull his sattelite dish off his house. as he will be completely unable to access the internet for the next week, i doubt you will have any more trouble with him for a while.
Edited by - admiral_tolwyn on 07-08-2003 07:07:17
and better than beating a modder: lock him in his house and cut his phone lines and cable lines, and pull his sattelite dish off his house. as he will be completely unable to access the internet for the next week, i doubt you will have any more trouble with him for a while.
Edited by - admiral_tolwyn on 07-08-2003 07:07:17
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