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Cowboy Bebop
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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You can download a swordfish model here: ... .php?id=34
I've only had a little think on the subject, but the first time I hopped into my first trade lane all I could think of was Cowboy Bebop.
If you were going to do a half decent mod for freelancer, that was trying to emulate the atmosphere present in Cowboy Bebop, you'd be looking at doing a total conversion. Just modding in the Bebop or Spike's fighter would not be doing enough justice. You'd have to create all new speech and music ( It just has to have the music from the series ) , create new factions and model a whole slew of new vessels. The way that systems ( and the planets within ) are presented will have to be changed - As far as I can tell, the series takes place soley within the Sol System so the sense of scale has to be changed ( which has been one of my major issues with freelancer - I'm unhappy with the current sense of scale ). Planets would have to be scaled up (and in scale to each other, so Earth would be enormous in comparison to the planet Leeds and Jupiter would even bigger when compared to the Earth)so instead of a sun at the centre of each "system" you would have a planet. Each planet would have their sattelites (moons) scaled accordingly and various space stations that you would travel to using the trade routes . Hyperspace gates would be used to connect the planetary systems to each other ( ie I woukd jump from Venus -> Earth -> Mars etc ). Your factions would include the police, bounty hunters, corporations, independant shipping & mining groups, environmentalists, crime syndicates etc etc and the faction system would be pretty much unchanged - Bounty missions, I imagine would be the most common available ( the mission system would be pretty much the same ).
If you were going to do a half decent mod for freelancer, that was trying to emulate the atmosphere present in Cowboy Bebop, you'd be looking at doing a total conversion. Just modding in the Bebop or Spike's fighter would not be doing enough justice. You'd have to create all new speech and music ( It just has to have the music from the series ) , create new factions and model a whole slew of new vessels. The way that systems ( and the planets within ) are presented will have to be changed - As far as I can tell, the series takes place soley within the Sol System so the sense of scale has to be changed ( which has been one of my major issues with freelancer - I'm unhappy with the current sense of scale ). Planets would have to be scaled up (and in scale to each other, so Earth would be enormous in comparison to the planet Leeds and Jupiter would even bigger when compared to the Earth)so instead of a sun at the centre of each "system" you would have a planet. Each planet would have their sattelites (moons) scaled accordingly and various space stations that you would travel to using the trade routes . Hyperspace gates would be used to connect the planetary systems to each other ( ie I woukd jump from Venus -> Earth -> Mars etc ). Your factions would include the police, bounty hunters, corporations, independant shipping & mining groups, environmentalists, crime syndicates etc etc and the faction system would be pretty much unchanged - Bounty missions, I imagine would be the most common available ( the mission system would be pretty much the same ).
I didn't really think of Cowboy Bebop untill Bishop404's geinus was posted on this forum HERE... i fixed myself up wit 4 Stalker launchers on a patriot and let 'em fly! Felt like Faye... only differences were that we had different ships.... and i didnt have an ammo limit! heheheheh.... now all feel my wrath!!!!!!! but I want the Swordfish 2 and what ever Faye's ship was.... BTW I have an idea for the bebop.... just reskin a station.... like Battleship Missouri, Fort Bush, Newark Station, ect... well thats my say!
See ya space cowboy!
Space... it's so.... big..... you can't exactly meet me in a dark allyway either...... so I'll just annihilate you now....... okey dokey?
*good luck and god speed to our troops in Iraq[!*
See ya space cowboy!
Space... it's so.... big..... you can't exactly meet me in a dark allyway either...... so I'll just annihilate you now....... okey dokey?
*good luck and god speed to our troops in Iraq[!*
Faye's ship is called the Redtail.
Here are some nifty production drawings if you are interested:
Faye's Redtail
I am awesomer than you.
Here are some nifty production drawings if you are interested:
Faye's Redtail
I am awesomer than you.
Bob: that Swordfish model you linked to has one slight problem: it is in Vegastrike's xml format, which I don't think can currently be converted to anything else (and I don't have the original, must remember who made it). The obvious answer is to check out vegastrike (we could sure use some of the enthusiastic modders that are popping up all over the place here)
The trade lanes really did remind me of CB as well
Hope someone gets that Swordfish model for Freelancer skinned, I'll be all over it.
dub!=the win
The trade lanes really did remind me of CB as well

dub!=the win

Bump! I know this is months old, but I just had to get my say in about Spike's voice. I watched the subbed versions of the series first (and subsequently, the movie) and then saw that the series was playing on Adult Swim, dubbed, but I really didn't like Tom's voice being used for spike. He seemed too... emotional. What I gathered from watching the series from beginning to end in one day, was that Spike was a very detached sort of person, and his voice in Japanese reflected that. I felt that he seemed too revved up in English, or too smug, or too ANYTHING. It's not like his voice was bad in English, but it smacked me as being all wrong.
On a bit of a side note, the only anime I've ever seen that's been better in English was a really old one called Riding Bean. Funniest thing I've ever seen, and done by the same people who made the original Bubblegum Crisis, A.D. Police, and Gunsmith Cats. The main character had sort of an weird Elvis vibe going on and it was hilarious. Okay, now that I got that last bit of anime nerd-ness out of my system, off to more Freelancer! Yay!
On a bit of a side note, the only anime I've ever seen that's been better in English was a really old one called Riding Bean. Funniest thing I've ever seen, and done by the same people who made the original Bubblegum Crisis, A.D. Police, and Gunsmith Cats. The main character had sort of an weird Elvis vibe going on and it was hilarious. Okay, now that I got that last bit of anime nerd-ness out of my system, off to more Freelancer! Yay!
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