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Anyone attempted modifying system info yet?
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i think adding planets is much harder cause you dont add a planet on which you can land, instead you add a docking ring on which you can dock. and in the ini files of the original systems are really many [ZONES and i think if you add a planet you have to add a zone too. maybe the zones are some sort of crashzone, so if you fly to near to the planet you crash. tomorrow i will test to planet and write the results into my how-to.
So long. Good night.
So long. Good night.
Could one of you who managed to put in new system names explain me how you pull those and use them in the appropriate *.ini files ?
For example "Planet Manhattan" is in :
String Table>10>1033>158 "Planet Manhattan"
But what is the ID used in the *.ini file for Planet Manhattan ? I checked the LI01.ini file for "158" and anything else that would come into my mind but could not manage to understand how to put it in.
For example "Planet Manhattan" is in :
String Table>10>1033>158 "Planet Manhattan"
But what is the ID used in the *.ini file for Planet Manhattan ? I checked the LI01.ini file for "158" and anything else that would come into my mind but could not manage to understand how to put it in.
If you look carefully you see that "New York" is number 1 in the string tables, and in universe.ini the New York system has ids_name = 196609 (1 == 196609 -> 0 == 196608)...
so if you add a name to nameresource.dll in a free spot (e.g. 202) you just do 202 + 196608 = 196810 and your ids_name = 196810

so if you add a name to nameresource.dll in a free spot (e.g. 202) you just do 202 + 196608 = 196810 and your ids_name = 196810

And if you look really-really carefully you can see that...
196609 = 0x30001 hexadecimal
Resource values are 16-bit numbers so what's that 3 doing in the high-word?
Now look in Freelancer.ini and you'll see a [Resources block with NameResources.dll as the 3rd entry in the list.
similarly equipment names look like this
ids_name = 263665 ; 0x40613 hex
and the 4th entry is EquipResources.dll
so the IDS values appear to be a reference to the Resource file and the value.
196609 = 0x30001 hexadecimal
Resource values are 16-bit numbers so what's that 3 doing in the high-word?
Now look in Freelancer.ini and you'll see a [Resources block with NameResources.dll as the 3rd entry in the list.
similarly equipment names look like this
ids_name = 263665 ; 0x40613 hex
and the 4th entry is EquipResources.dll
so the IDS values appear to be a reference to the Resource file and the value.
So can someone clearly explain how to edit nameresources.dll so you can have your own names for your system? At the moment, I have a jumpgate that says New York > Calafornia next to the real one, which leads to a vast area of empty space, with the exception of one star, and the jumpgate on that side reads Texas > New York . I think I managed to carry the IDs across when I used copy and paste to buld the sys.
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