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rep list or rep page, well whatever...

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:46 am

rep list or rep page, well whatever...

I'm wanna know how to change info about faction:"Xenos are loosely affilated...and bla bla bla

Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:40 am

two files to look at initialworld ini this is the exact piece you are looking for in that file then you will pick friends and enemys of xinos

nickname = fc_x_grp
ids_name = 196880
ids_info = 66218
ids_short_name = 196928
rep = -0.65, li_n_grp
rep = -0.65, li_lsf_grp
rep = -0.65, li_p_grp
rep = -0.65, br_n_grp
rep = -0.65, br_p_grp
rep = -0.65, ku_n_grp
rep = -0.65, ku_p_grp
rep = -0.65, rh_n_grp
rep = -0.65, rh_p_grp
rep = -0.65, co_alg_grp
rep = -0.65, co_be_grp
rep = -0.65, br_m_grp
rep = -0.65, co_nws_grp
rep = -0.3, co_hsp_grp
rep = -0.3, co_ic_grp
rep = -0.65, co_khc_grp
rep = -0.65, co_kt_grp
rep = -0.65, rh_m_grp
rep = -0.3, co_me_grp
rep = -0.3, co_ni_grp
rep = -0.3, co_os_grp
rep = -0.65, co_rs_grp
rep = -0.65, co_shi_grp
rep = -0.3, co_ss_grp
rep = -0.3, co_ti_grp
rep = -0.3, co_vr_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_bd_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_b_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_c_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_fa_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_g_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_gc_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_h_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_j_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_lh_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_lr_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_lwb_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_m_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_ou_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_rh_grp
rep = 0, fc_or_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_u_grp
rep = 0.91, fc_x_grp
rep = -0.65, gd_gm_grp
rep = 0, fc_uk_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_n_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_ln_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_kn_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_rn_grp
rep = 0, fc_ouk_grp
rep = 0, fc_q_grp
rep = 0, fc_f_grp
rep = 0, gd_im_grp
rep = 0, gd_z_grp
rep = -0.65, gd_bh_grp
then this is empathy ini in the mission folder [RepChangeEffects
group = fc_x_grp
event = object_destruction, -0.008400
event = random_mission_success, 0.140000
event = random_mission_failure, -0.045000
event = random_mission_abortion, -0.067500
empathy_rate = li_n_grp, -0.450000
empathy_rate = li_lsf_grp, -0.450000
empathy_rate = li_p_grp, -0.450000
empathy_rate = br_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = br_p_grp, 0
empathy_rate = ku_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = ku_p_grp, 0
empathy_rate = rh_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = rh_p_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_shi_grp, -0.250000
empathy_rate = co_khc_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_kt_grp, -0.250000
empathy_rate = br_m_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_me_grp, -0.200000
empathy_rate = co_be_grp, -0.100000
empathy_rate = co_rs_grp, -0.300000
empathy_rate = co_vr_grp, -0.250000
empathy_rate = co_ni_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = rh_m_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_ti_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_ic_grp, -0.200000
empathy_rate = co_ss_grp, -0.200000
empathy_rate = co_hsp_grp, -0.100000
empathy_rate = co_alg_grp, -0.250000
empathy_rate = co_os_grp, -0.100000
empathy_rate = co_nws_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_c_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_ou_grp, -0.250000
empathy_rate = fc_rh_grp, -0.100000
empathy_rate = fc_bd_grp, -0.050000
empathy_rate = fc_j_grp, -0.100000
empathy_rate = fc_h_grp, -0.100000
empathy_rate = fc_m_grp, -0.050000
empathy_rate = fc_b_grp, 0.100000
empathy_rate = fc_g_grp, -0.050000
empathy_rate = fc_lh_grp, -0.100000
empathy_rate = fc_u_grp, -0.200000
empathy_rate = fc_gc_grp, -0.050000
empathy_rate = fc_lwb_grp, -0.050000
empathy_rate = fc_fa_grp, -0.050000
empathy_rate = fc_lr_grp, -0.250000
empathy_rate = fc_or_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_gm_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_uk_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_ln_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_kn_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_rn_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_ouk_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_q_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_f_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_im_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_z_grp, 0.150000
empathy_rate = gd_bh_grp, -0.300000
this deals with you kill this group in mission and your rep changes or if you kill certain groups to get on the xinos good side just play with the numbers

Post Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:02 am

What you want is the "ids_info" number for the faction from the initialworld.ini, the number points to an entry in the INFOCARDS.DLL, the Xeno's entry looks like this:
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><TEXT>ALLIES:  </TEXT><PARA/>
<TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><TEXT>None</TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>ENEMIES: </TEXT><PARA/>
<TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><TEXT>Everyone else except the Zoners and the IMG</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/>
<TEXT>The Xenos are a loosely affiliated terrorist organization opposed to any trade or other interaction with foreign entities.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

You need a program like Fled IDs or reshacker to edit the DLL.

**shuffles off with a new headache**

Edited by - Bejaymac on 7/19/2007 9:04:33 AM


Post Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:53 am

imho the easiest way is to replace the "ids_info = 66218" with a small script.

If you want to learn, how 2 do that, get Argh's XML Toolkit Mod and have a look at it.

The scripts are full of helpfull comments and you can use the stuff 4 your own mod,
if you give poper credits 2 Argh.

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