"one problem ive been having (this is still kind of ontopic) is when i set the cruise to, say, 400, itll continue to display 300 even tho i continue speeding up till i reach 400..
why isnt it saying my true speed?"
le point
Ship handling is very simple. The math is simple, but in the likely event that it has no bearing on your life, this is what you get:
Max velocity = force_value / drag_value
Initial acceleration (from 0 units/s) = force_value / inertia_value
I look at initial acceleration to help me judge the responsiveness of the ship. Toy with it, you'll get some feel for it in time.
For forward motion:
force_value = max_force (engine_equip.ini)
drag_value = linear_drag (engine_equip.ini) + linear_drag (shiparch.ini)
inertia_value = mass (shiparch.ini)
For reverse motion, just multiply max_force by reverse_fraction (also in engine_euqip.ini).
For lateral motion, force_value = strafe_force (shiparch.ini) instead of max_force.
For motion while docking, force_value = nudge_force (shiparch.ini) instead of max_force.
These velocities are all in meters / second, and accelerations are in meters / second^2. Note that when you hit engine kill, the force and drag from the engine are zeroed, but the drag and mass of the ship remain. You can thus control the functionality of engine kill by adjusting the ratio of drag between the engine and ship.
For pitch/yaw/roll:
force_value = steering_torque (shiparch.ini)
drag_value = angular_drag (shiparch.ini)
inertia_value = rotation_inertia (shiparch.ini)
These velocities are all in radians / second, and accelerations are in radians / second^2. The values are in sets of three, like so:
steering_torque = pitch_value, yaw_value, roll_value
angular_drag = pitch_value, yaw_value, roll_value
rotation_inertia = pitch_value, yaw_value, roll_value
Typically the pitch and yaw values of the ship will be the same, but roll is usually different. As a final note, Freelancer will freak out if (angular_drag / rotation_inertia) is greater than around 20. It's really not terrible, but your ship will turn faster than you expect it to.
Anyway, hopefully this will get you running.