OP-R8R's partially correct in that it's the restart.fl that's causing your problem, however if you were to delete your mods save games (including it's restart.fl) you would find you still have the same problem. The newplayer.fl is the real cause of the problem and that's the one you need to edit. When FL starts it reads the freelancer.ini it then heads straight to your singleplayer save game folder looking for a restart.fl. This is FL's initial settings file and it needs this to initialize the FL universe, when it can't find one, like it does the the first time you use FL or a new mod (unless the mod makers f*ckedup the script.xml, and believe me there are quite a few of them), it will make one from the info in the newplayer.fl, initialworld.ini and several of the non resource DLLs (content, common etc.).
LINK is to a very basic OpenSP I did a while back, the newplayer.fl has been altered to start you on manhatten and to con FL into bypassing the story section of the content.dll.
Using blackhole's method of blocking the story in the freelancer.ini has real problems imho, if some of the info the restart.fl needs is in the blocked section then it won't be properly constructed. As blackhole has already discovered blocking the story also stops you from leveling up, I don't know about the rest of you but the idea of not being able to level up removes the challange from the game, and any mod like that wouldn't be worth playing IMO. In addition if something as simple as leveling up is blocked you can bet that something serious has also been blocked, it's just that nobodies gone far enough into this to find it yet.
**shuffles of with a new headache**