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Very Strange Bug
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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I'm currently working on a Mod which happens to Involve new Tradelanes In Sigma-19. I would say more, but It would ruin the surprise when the Mod comes out. Anyway If I enter on Particular Tradelane (Luxury Liner Hawaii - New Jumpgate) Then I Get thrown back to the desktop. This only happens when I'm in turret view btw. Any Ideas why this might be happening, and how to fix it?
turret view, that was happening to me on the FL:CE mod, every time i entered turret view, my comp would restart, make sure 3D sound is disabled. this is WELL KNOWN to cause a whole host off errors, crashes, bugs etc.
A quick and easy way to disable 3D sound is to download the Quickfix patch...
Quickfix Patch 1.0
Quickfix Plus Patch 1.0 (includes freelancer's 1.1 update)
Quickfix Patch 1.0
Quickfix Plus Patch 1.0 (includes freelancer's 1.1 update)
lol BSOD, my comp goes one step further.................. restarts completely
I don't know it this is going to help you,
If I created trade lanes in a system and neglect to place "trade lane access" zones around them...I'll get a crash to desk top.
IF you haven't checked that out yet, it would be a good idea to just make sure your trade lanes have those zones in that system, (or any system you make new trade lanes)
If I created trade lanes in a system and neglect to place "trade lane access" zones around them...I'll get a crash to desk top.
IF you haven't checked that out yet, it would be a good idea to just make sure your trade lanes have those zones in that system, (or any system you make new trade lanes)
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