Swat - the grave-digging and flaming were brought up by you on the first page... i was just responding. By quoting my responses you've confused me! I never accused you of anything at all, so I don't quite know what's the matter with regards to those

I was unaware of you helping me re-write the rules nearly 3 years back, but meh
Isn't CHIPS a moderator here? I don't see the point where a forum moderator must make a volatile stance or "stir up the pot" with comments that should be certainly done in private.
It wasn't the actual intention at all but that's by the by. I do appreciate the irony of both yourself and Swat criticising me publicly about how i should criticise someone in private!
Perhaps there is an ulterior motive? (rhetorical by the way)
Anyways, I apologise for any non intended, but taken, insult
As far as this matter is concerned to me, i've apologised. If you've a reason to continue further, then by all means - practice what you preach and Either me directly (mikejgarlick at aol.com) or alternatively, complain like hell to Eraser and BP if there was an "ulterior" motive.
Feel free to continue here though, i'm not one for locking threads personally, just wish you to know that I most likely won't respond as since my last post I see nothing of either relevance or importance coming to light, and nothing progressive either.
Edited by - Chips on 1/10/2007 10:44:03 AM