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The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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Hey is any1 here part of the open lancer project. I would like to contribute anythinh that I could. Also, why the heck don't all of us including Chips and Accushot and all the misc. mod teams band together and make a one. I am very good at organizing ppl @ projects and I can be very motivational ( I found the whip works the best). So please some 1 give me some info.
Then look in the Openlancer forum here on lancers: ... lancer+MOD ... lancer+MOD
Stupid windstorm... didn't see this.
Openlancer forum on TLR is practically dead and is utterly pointless. Look at the site for the real news:
Edited by - blackhole on 12/19/2006 9:45:27 PM
Openlancer forum on TLR is practically dead and is utterly pointless. Look at the site for the real news:
Edited by - blackhole on 12/19/2006 9:45:27 PM
Well, actually openlancer is structured to enable people to pop in and contribute a few things here and there, without ever needing to make a commitment. We have a core team of dedicated developers, but we welcome even the smallest contribution from anyone.
Plus, someone just fixed our demo framework! woohoo! ^_^
Plus, someone just fixed our demo framework! woohoo! ^_^
I am a noob too but whatever we can contribute will take other problems off the minds of other programmers like blackhole. If every one could contribute some weapons or a few ship models or wep models or skins I am SURE that Blackhole and the rest of the openlancer mod team would appreciate it. Rancor I will not leave you alone m8 untill u add a kool ship
. It is now my personal mission to convert all moddlers into Openlancer MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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