Dockable planets
I was playing around with FLE cause I got bored of "real" modding
and came up with a wonderous idea. I'm am sure most of you have fininshed SP if not DO IT lol, and in the last lvl you have to fight withing the dyson shoere on the dyson platform. Wouldn't it be cool if the floor of the dyson shpere were like grass on a planet or desert and insted of having Jumpgate to other systems they merely bring you to the "planet" system, with backround of blue skies and clouds and buildings, hangars insted of stations. I know that this sounds dumb but I think it would b really cool and I will make a dyson version of it and take a s/s and post it for all of u naysayers
Edit- Since its been noted as nthe correct title.
Edited by - Finalday on 12/8/2006 1:26:06 PM

Edit- Since its been noted as nthe correct title.

Edited by - Finalday on 12/8/2006 1:26:06 PM